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Back in my dorm, I sat strumming my guitar and singing softly, lost in the memories that the music brought to the surface. My eyes were drawn to the photo of me and my mother, and a wave of sorrow washed over me. Whispering, tears welled up as I admitted, "I'm sorry I failed you," my voice barely audible.

In the midst of my emotions, Ella's text interrupted my thoughts, offering a glimmer of hope that my lost songbook might still be found. As I continued strumming, the sound of a knock pulled me from my reverie. "Come on in," I called out, expecting to see Alex or Jake with news about my songbook.

To my surprise, it was Jake and Ari standing before me. Confusion crept over me as I asked, "Hey guys, what's up?" My guitar found its way back into its case, my curiosity piqued.

Jake began to speak, and as he pulled something from his backpack, my heart raced. It was my songbook. Tears welled up as I embraced it tightly, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over me. I was about to ask where he found it when I noticed torn out pages within the book. My heart sank, and I slumped to the floor, overcome with a mix of emotions.

Jake reached out to comfort me, explaining the truth about Ari's involvement, how she had my book all along and even tore pages out. Anger and disbelief warred within me as he recounted the details. Why would she do such a thing?

I found my voice, my questions tumbling out. "Why, Ari? Why would you do this?" My emotions were raw, my heartache palpable.

As Jake explained, the pieces fell into place. Ari's jealousy, her insecurities, and her misguided actions painted a painful picture. She was envious of the connection I shared with Jake, the way people saw me. It was a bitter revelation to swallow.

"I can't forgive you right now," I stated firmly, my voice shaking. "What you did... it's too soon."

I implored her to work on her insecurities, to recognize the blessings she had in her life. Despite my anger, I wanted her to find healing and growth. After a heartfelt apology, Ari left.

With my emotions still raw, I realized I needed to focus on finishing my song. Jake's comforting hug and his promise of help brought a glimmer of light. Ella and Alex joined in, and together, in the music room after classes, we poured our inspiration and effort into completing the song.

As Jake's fingers danced across the strings of the guitar, he seemed to adapt to the instrument effortlessly. His guitar playing added a fresh layer to our music, infusing it with a newfound depth. We played and sang together in the music room, the harmonies intertwining seamlessly. In those moments, a sense of unity enveloped us, knitting together the frayed edges of my emotions.

As the chords resonated through the room, I realised that the music had become a form of catharsis, a way to channel my feelings and transform them into something beautiful. The weight of Ari's actions began to lift, replaced by a shared sense of purpose and the reassuring presence of my friends.

With each note we played, I felt a bit more whole again. The wounds Ari had inflicted were slowly healing, and the power of our collective creativity was like a soothing balm. It was as if the music was mending not just the torn pages of my songbook, but also the broken fragments of trust and security that had been shattered.

In that moment, surrounded by the harmonious blend of voices and instruments, I realized the true strength of friendship and the healing power of music. Together, we were turning pain into art, forging a bond that could weather even the darkest of storms.

"Thank you, guys," I said, my voice filled with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment. We huddled together in a warm group hug, a tangible reminder of the support and camaraderie that had carried us through the challenges of the past few days.

As we embraced, a wave of relief washed over me. My song was finally completed, a testament to our combined efforts and determination. With the impending return of my music professor, I could now face my upcoming performance with confidence, knowing that the piece was ready to be shared with the world.

In that moment, surrounded by the tight embrace of my friends, I felt a renewed sense of strength and purpose. The journey hadn't been easy, but together we had turned adversity into triumph, and I couldn't have been more grateful for the bonds we had forged and the music that had carried us through.

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