Chapter 2: Home and away

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T-minus 2 days till touring commences: This being the first thing you saw when you unlocked your phone this morning, yes it did sound a bit dramatic but it was nice reminder.

You couldn't believe that tour started in two days, it had only felt like yesterday when Alex offered for me to come with him and the others. It was just 8:30am  and you were finishing off packing your suitcases along with a little travel bag full of the necessities for travel. Alex had texted you the night before saying that Nick and Jamie would pick you up at about 9:15am where the 3 of you would then travel to the tour bus where home would be for the next month. You couldn't wait to see Nick and Jamie, you could remember them showing you how to play their instruments when you were younger plus they were often the quieter ones of the band which you didn't mind one bit. You had found it funny being with Nick and constantly seeing fans online joke about him being locked up in a basement, this made you often ponder what went through the minds of fans.

You were very thankful that your neighbour could cat sit Simba whilst you would be away. You felt reassured knowing that she was going to be in good hands though she wasn't a bad cat she was just old and slept all the time. As the time was nearing to go you had finished off breakfast and made sure that you had everything that was needed. You also remembered to wear something comfy (you can imagine what you wear) for when you were travelling about.

As you did a last minute check of everything you had and was satisfied with everything there was a slight knock at the door. You went up to the door and opened it to see Nick waiting outside, he turned as he heard the door open and smiled.

"There's the kiddo!" he exclaimed as he extended his arms out for a hug. You laughed at his silly nickname for you, yet it's one that everyone in the band used for you.

"I still get the 'kiddo' nickname even when I'm an adult, I have a feeling I'll never be able to escape that Nick, you said with a joking manner. 

He chuckled, "Of course not, you still are a kiddo in our eyes. Anyway let me grab your stuff, Jamie is waiting in the car if you want to go and say hi!". You nodded and took your bag as Nick grabbed the suitcases, the two of you walked down to the car and saw Jamie listening to the radio. As he saw you both approach he smiled, "I see Nick found the kiddo, only joking Y/N do not give me that death glare you're doing", you continued to glare at him and laughed when Jamie addressed your look. 

Once everyone was in and cases were safely put into the boot you guys were finally off. As the journey went on the three of you talked for most of time and took advantage of the journey to catch up on what was going on your lives. It was lovely to hear the two talk about how their children were growing up, they even mentioned how their wives were wanting to put together a girls night at the end of the tour which would likely be needed. When you weren't talking you took a moment to occasionally glance out of the window and watched the scenery that flew past. Although it was the UK and it could be known for being somewhat miserable it was nice to see parts of it where it actually looked somewhat enticing.

As the journey went on you had almost felt like a child constantly asking yourself 'Are we nearly there yet?' or 'How long left?' . 

Your thoughts were soon interrupted when Nick said, "Hey Y/N we've got about 15 minutes till we get there in case you were wondering." before going back to look at something on his phone. You'd assumed that he was most likely letting Alex know that you guys weren't that far away.

As the 15 minutes passed you had finally reached the destination.

 Looking out the window you could see that Alex was wearing his usual shirt accompanied with a blazer on top and smart trousers, he even wore sunglasses which made you laugh to yourself as the sun wasn't too present in that moment. Looking next to him you saw Matt standing with him just wearing a basic outfit nothing too much compared to Alex. 

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