Act Two: The Shrine

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Tate only lived a few blocks away from Sam and Tara's apartment, Sam unlocked the door and they both walked into the apartment. "We're back!" Sam says as she took off her jacket, along with Tate.

Tara comes from the kitchen, and embracing Tate into a hug. "I'm so sorry Tate, I shouldn't of done what I did with your mom." the younger Carpenter sister pulled away from Tate and he just smiles at her. "It's okay T."

Chad and Mindy came over to them and Chad and Tate done their hand shakes were Tate and Mindy hugged each other, then Tate hugged Anika who was standing opposite to her girlfriend. "So, I kinda done something."

"I asked Sam to marry me." Tate says as he looked at his friends with a smile and then at his now fiancée.

"Finally you did it!" Tara says with a smile as she hugged her sister and Tate, with Mindy and Chad following suit.

"You guys knew?!" Sam asked with a smile, the three all nodded their heads.

Anika walks over to them and smiling at them and hugging them both. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Sam and Tate both say.

"Yeah, congrats." Quinn stood behind as she hugged Tate longer than expected. "What a shame." She whispered in his ear before she pulled away from him, then she hugs Sam, Tate gave her an uncomfortably smile, then looking over at Sam. Quinn then walks back into her room.

"Why is she still here?" Tate quietly asks her.

Sam drapes her arms around his neck. "I don't know but I could move into your place." she smiled up at Tate and he rubs her cheeks with his thumbs. "Let's do it." He smiled and leaned in and their lips would be in sync.

"Were still here." Mindy jokingly says as she was setting up the dinner table.

"Sorry." Tate and Sam both pull away, and Sam goes into her room to grab some spare blankets and pillows for Anika, Chad and Mindy to stay over.

Tate was in the kitchen with the Meeks-Martin twins and Tara. Every now and again Chad and Tara would glance up at each other giving each other a smile. Tara fully turns to Chad. "I think you should get out the city. You know, considering what happened to you last time. I--I wouldn't blame you wanted to go."

Chad looked over at her as he gave her a small smile. "That's very thoughtful of you, but, um. I don't think I'm going anywhere." Mindy started to gag from beside the dinner table, and Tate chuckled at her reaction. "Will you two just make out already?"

"That is so inappropriate, dude. Tate tell her." Chad looks over at his sister and his best friend, he just shrugged with a chuckle.

"Oh, whatever. Get it over with!" Mindy walked away from the dinner table, and Tate walked into Sam's room to help her with the blanket and the pillows.

"You need any help?" he asked his now fiancée, with a smile.

"I've got it. Thank you though." Sam smiled back at him, as she leans forward to peck his lips, before they both walked out of the the room and heading back towards the kitchen. Sam puts down the blanket and the pillow opposite to the couch. "Here you go."

"Sam?" Mindy says from the kitchen with Tate, Chad and Tara.

"Yep?" Sam walk into the kitchen and walks behind Tate and wrapping her arms around his torso and putting her head on his shoulder as she looked over at Mindy.

Scream FRANCHISE | Sam Carpenter | Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now