Act Three: Avengence

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The group, minus Tate, were now walking into the subway station. Tara and Sam leading them down the stairs. Nearly everyone they walked past was in some sort of Halloween getup.

"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan questioned the sisters.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Tara told him, frustrated.

"So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one, no thank you." He responded.

They reached the bottom of the stairs and saw their train getting ready to leave. "Let's just get to the theatre. Come on. In here." Sam instructed them. Sam, Tara and Chad walked ahead, not realising that Mindy and Ethan were stuck in a group.

"Chad! Hey!" Mindy attempted to call out to her twin, but they fell on deaf ears. Chad entered the car and noticed her absence he looked back and saw her. "Mindy!" He reached for the doors just as they shut. "Fuck!" Mindy exclaimed.

The two looked at each other in worry as the train pulled out. Mindy let out a sigh of frustration. She was frightened when a hand touched her shoulder. She turned immediately to see Ethan. "Get your Ghostface ass away from me, Ghostface." She told him, before walking down the platform.

The others were now settling themselves on the train. Sam looked around. "Where's Mindy?" She asked. "She missed the train. The crowd was too big she couldn't push through." Chad told them. "Fuck." Tara let out.

He looked down at his phone. "Oh, it's fine, she's with Ethan, she'll meet us there." Chad looked up after putting his phone away and saw the other passengers. "Oh shit." The sisters turned at his words and saw a myriad of costumes. Notably, a few Ghostfaces.

Tara turned back to them. "How many stops do we have?" Sam looked over at the map and counted to their stop. "Ten."

Mindy was on her own train, with Ethan standing further down the carriage. She felt an ominous presence around her, and noticed all the Ghostfaces on her train too. She looked over at Ethan and scowled at him.

She received a message from Chad, enquiring as to her whereabouts. She had no service and couldn't respond. Ethan stared at her as she reached around trying to get a bar.

A Ghostface popped up in front of her and made her jump back while gasping. "Sorry." She heard the man say as she went to stand somewhere else. She once again saw Ethan looking at her, and her expression made him look away.

The lights flickered constantly, but they stopped momentarily. Mindy looked to her left and saw a hooded figure sitting next to her. This just increased her worries.

Someone shoved their way into her spot, forcing her to once again move, this time to the back of the car. The lights flickered once again, this time for longer. When they stopped the Ghostface had turned their head to her, staring her down.

Mindy closed her eyes, trying to calm herself from the situation she was in. The lights completely turned off for a moment. When they turned back on, Ghostface was standing up, still staring at her.

She let out a shaky breath, as the lights turned off again. Ghostface was closer to her when they turned back. They switched off yet again, this time for quite a while. Mindy furrowed her brows and tried to find them again, not seeing anything. The lights turned back for a moment and he was gone, but it went dark again.

They turned back and Ghostface was now right in front of her. She gasped as they stuck their knife into her stomach, and covered her mouth. She let out a muffled scream into their glove as the lights went out again.

They took out the knife and reinserted it into her stomach, forcing another scream out of her. They lowered her to the ground as she stared at them. She continued to scream as the knife was twisted.

Scream FRANCHISE | Sam Carpenter | Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now