Chapter Twenty One

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Matteo has never been able to sleep peacefully, it's why he's not a morning person. He didn't know what dreams were, because he was constantly plagued with nightmares. Nightmares of his childhood and the abuse he endured for years....nightmares of turning into his father. Then he met Emma Potter, every night spent with her meant he could dream about a future for them. He's never slept better, the nightmares were nonexistent. Until last night, he's never been so restless with her in his arms. The worry was eating away at him, he kept replaying the way she pulled Harry and Ron apart like magnets. It was so effortless, so powerful. Then she crashed hard. She faded faster than she has ever before, like her body was completely drained of energy. She's been training everyday with ancient magic, it's become easier with each passing day that she practices.....but then her body just falls apart, exhausted. The more she uses the faster she falls. He hated feeling like they were missing a piece to the puzzle....

Matteo has never seen anyone like her, and it's not because he was deeply in love with her. He truly has never seen anyone do what she can do. The way she could just feel the magic around her and tap into it, using it with ease. It was incredible to watch....she was incredible to watch. There was no doubt about it, Emma Potter was extraordinary. The sinking realization that he needed to protect her from his father now more than ever, was weighing heavy on his mind and heart.

It was struggle to wake Emma, she was incredibly exhausted still. "Come on love, it's time to go." Matteo whispered kissing her forehead as she stirred awake. Matteo watched as she gave him the most beautiful smile when she opened her eyes to see him. He would die a happy man if he could spend every morning for the rest of his life seeing that smile. She was sluggish that morning getting ready but she was able to pull herself together as they quickly got their things packed away. Emma watched Hermione tie her scarf around a tree nearby their camp site. She wanted to leave something behind for Ron in case he decided to return and try to find them.

The four of them apparated to a new location, Hermione wiping the tears from her eyes. It killed her seeing her best friends fighting. She lost Draco and now she feels like she's loosing her friends. It was all too much for her, she hasn't thought about Draco in a while. She tried not to, it hurt too much to think about him. Hermione kept telling herself that she didn't miss him, that if she ever saw him again she would ignore him. Deep down she knew that was a lie, she would take him back in a heartbeat.....she was still madly, deeply in love with Draco Malfoy.

They quickly got to work on setting up the enchantments and tent, it felt odd not having Ron here. His little jokes reminding Emma of Fred and George. She missed the Weasley's and the burrow. She missed all the stupid mundane things they did before. Silly stuff like getting ready with Pansy, walking to the great hall with Enzo being completely obnoxious. Going to class with Matteo while he did everything he could to distract her with his hands on her thigh or kissing her neck. Playing games in the greenhouse with Draco and Hermione. Teasing Blaise with Theo. She missed it all, somehow she found a family at Hogwarts. One she wanted to make it back too.

The radio was playing a song, it was a nice change from hearing the names. Emma's eyes find Matteo's chocolate hues across the tent. She gave him a wicked grin causing him to cock and eyebrow at her, questioning. "Dance with me Riddle" that grin splitting her face watching him saunter over towards her. Those brown eyes sear into her soul.....she would never be able to explain the way her soul craved his. The way he didn't have to say anything, didn't have to speak a word. Just one look and she knew what he needed, and he knew what she needed. His arms wrap around her waist pulling her into him. Her arms slide up to his neck, one of her hands playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. They sway back and forth to the music, enjoying this moment together. Harry and Hermione joined them soon after, both slow dancing to the music pouring out of the radio.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now