Angel's POV-

September 1,2023
Today is the day I go to college with my new voice I call it new since I haven't heard my voice since I was 7. I'm starting UFC with my best friend Rebecca my sister is already going here she's in sophomore year. "Are you excited?" Rebecca nudges my side "Yes I am," I smiled at her " I still can't believe you're talking," she puts her arm around me "Me either," I laughed.  We got to the table to see where our dorm is " Hey sis and Rebecca," we were greeted by my sister Emily "Hey," Rebecca and I both said " So Rebecca you're in C22 and Angel you're in D23," Emily says looking up at the paper "That's wrong!" I crossed my arms "No it's right A I want to have different rooms so we meet new people," Rebecca looks at me.

I grab the map and storm off to my car to get my things Rebecca catches up to me. " Don't be mad at me," she grabs my arm " You promise me you'll be here for me since it's my first time at a school with a voice," I walked faster. I got to my car and open my trunk to get my things "Hey look on the bright side D and E are co-ed," Rebecca smirks "Great," I rolled my eyes shutting my trunk. I walked to building D I was looking around D19, D20, D21, D22 and finally D23. I open the door and see Malec Blake sitting on a bed. Great I get to share with my high school bully/ my best friend's twin brother. I grab my boxes and start carrying them in "Here let me help," I hear Malec on the other side of the boxes and he grabs them out of my hands carrying them to my side of the dorm.

"I'm Malec Blake I'm your roommate," he smiles I just nodded. "You are?" Malec asks grabbing more boxes of mine "Angel White," I say with a straight face. "Mute girl?" Malec stops in his track "Yup the girl you bullied for 3 years of your life," I grab a box and start unpacking it. "You can talk?!?!" he looks shocked "Yup," I smirked "And you got hotter," he smirks at me I rolled my eyes. I continued unpacking the boxes I just brought realizing I have more. "Hey I see you met your roommate," Rebecca walks in my dorm "Rebecca?!?" Malec runs up to my best friend/ his twin sister "MALEC OMG YOU'RE BACK!!" Rebecca hugs her brother. " You didn't tell me Mute girl could speak finally," he hugs her back "Her name is Angel and yeah she got the surgery last year," Rebecca hits her brother. "I have more things in my car I'll be back," I said walking out of the dorm.

Malec's POV
"Go help her you idiot," my sister hits me again " She hates me doesn't she?" I asked my sister. " Yeah she does you bullied her for 3 years straight cause she couldn't speak," my sister rolled her eyes "God I feel stupid for doing that," I shaked my head. "Does Malec Blake feel bad for hurting someone OMG," Rebecca looks shocked " Shut up," I glared at her " But no seriously go help her," my sister walks out of my dorm. I walk to the parking lot and see Angel struggling with the cart we get to use to unload our vehicles. I run up " Let me help you," I grab some of the boxes of the cart " Thanks I guess," Angel says looking at me we walked to our dorm in silence.

I help her bring her things in the dorm and she continues unpacking her things. Raegan walks in "Hey dude who's the hottie?" "Angel White" I say. "In like Mute girl?" Raegan looked shock "Yup Mute girl," I smirked "Damn she's hot," Raegan licks his lips. "You know I can hear you right?" Angel looks at Raegan "You can talk?" he looks like he saw a ghost "That's what I said," I laughed. Angel rolls her eyes and walked out of the dorm.

Angel's POV

I walk to Rebecca's dorm I knock on the door a girl answers "Hey?" she looks at me. "I'm looking for Rebecca," I say "In here Angel," I hear Rebecca yelling from inside the girl moves aside and I walk in. "I'm Alice BTW," She smiles "I'm Angel," I smile back at her I walk more in and see Rebecca drawing "It's high school all over again," I sighed. "Why you say that?" Rebecca looks confused "Raegan Rogers goes here too," I rolled my eyes "You getting called Mute girl again," Rebecca looks down "Yup," I say popping the P. "Why do you get called Mute girl if you can speak?" Alice asks "I was muted until last year," I look at Alice smiling. "Oh ok," she smiles back "Alice was telling me about a party that goes on the first day back we should go," Rebecca says. "But your-," I got cut off "No buts let's go," Rebecca smirks "Fine," I whined yup high school all over again.

Rebecca use to force me to go to the high school parties even if I didn't want to go."Ok go back to your dorm and get something cute to wear," Rebecca smiles and continues "After come back here so I can do your hair and makeup," She pushs me out of her dorm. I walk back to my dorm thinking when I can wear that's Rebecca's definition of cute than I remember I brought my black lacey mini dress and my black knee high boots to wear out when we have a girl's night. I get to my dorm and Malec was in the shower I quickly grab the dress and boots I changed into the dress and Malec is still in the shower. I rushed out of the dorm and walked back to Rebecca's dorm. I didn't even knocked I just walked in. " Damn A you look nice," Rebecca spins me around I laugh " Now sit," Rebecca demands I sat at her vanity.

She starts brushing my hair she decides to curl it and do a half up half down then does a smokey eye with a red lip for the makeup. " Damn Angel if I was a guy I would smash," Alice says laughing I laugh with her. I watched Tiktok while waiting for Rebecca and Alice. Rebecca decided to wear a lacey crop top and a mini skirt with a high ponytail and a red lip with some eye liner. Alice decided to wear a crop top and high waisted shorts with a beanie and simple make. They both decided on white air force I for the shoes. We all headed out to the party I'm hoping I don't run into anyone else from high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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