Friends (Part 2)

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AN: So..I'm sorry again for not getting this next one out sooner. It just took me a while, and I have had a lot going on and my mental health is horrible but it's slowly getting better...Anyways though, I'm sorry it's not that good and it's not exactly how you wanted it, but I hope you enjoy it at least a little anyways...I've been trying hard to write it these past months but I've just been having a lot of trouble...sorry again...This type of story just doesn't click well with me I guess?..And I don't want to start something I can't finish, so I'm sorry again for the person who requested this that it will be shorter then you wanted..Maybe someone else can write a long story for you....

As Naruto fell asleep in his bed he couldn't get Sasuke out of his mind, and even ended up dreaming about them, mostly about the past, when they were closer as kids and were always together and had a bond that was unbreakable. He just couldn't understand what had happened and why Sasuke changed so much.

When they were kids, they did everything together. Sasuke usually got to school early, and then Naruto would run to school, being almost late every day since he always slept in. Once Naruto got to school though, he always ran straight over to Sasuke, waving and smiling happily and then starting to talk to him about what they should do after school together. He would pass him tiny notes he made during class and would get really happy whenever Sasuke sent one back.

Naruto had always had a tough life, his mother dying when he was born, and his father dying when he was young from getting drunk while driving. When Naruto was sent into the orphanage, he was depressed and tried to act happy but couldn't, and as he got older, he just wasn't the same and couldn't make any friends. But then Sasuke couldn't take it, and Naruto didn't know how, but Sasuke somehow convinced his parents to adopt him, and then they became like brothers.

A few years later, though, Sasuke's parents were killed, and his brother's body was never found. Then he was like how Naruto was, but worse. He was only 12 years old, but dealing with severe depression and even some thoughts that 12 year olds shouldn't be ever thinking about. But again, same as with Naruto, he got better because now Naruto was the one helping him. They were sent to an orphanage together and were best friends, sharing their secrets and emotions and always telling each other everything, always hanging out with each other and not really having other friends. They were inseparable, that is, until they got to high school.

They had different classes and barely saw each other. And what made everything worse was that they were each adopted, but separately. Sasuke was adopted by a man named Kakashi who just decided to house him until he was old enough to get his own place, and Naruto was adopted by a nice man named Jiraiya. Naruto tried not to make a big deal of it, knowing they were still friends even if they weren't living with eachother anymore, but he just couldn't help but get depressed a lot, especially since now they barely hung out at all.

All Naruto wanted was to spend time with Sasuke, but they never had time anymore. Naruto was sure Sasuke did, but he was so behind in his studies himself that he was up every night trying to get his grades up, but he just couldn't, because he couldn't focus, the only thing he ever thought about being Sasuke. He wanted to ask Sasuke to maybe help him with his schoolwork, but he felt like it wouldn't mean anything, just wanting to spend actual quality time with him.

Naruto didn't know why Sasuke had changed so much, but he wished he didn't, missing the old Sasuke. He didn't know what could've happened in their first couple years of high school that would've made Sasuke change so much, but he couldn't help but think it was his fault.

When Sasuke had first asked Naruto to be his lookout, he was kind of terrified, not wanting Naruto to think he was disgusting or weird, kind of hoping Naruto would look hurt by it and ask to be the person he had sex with instead, so he could make Naruto happy and they could be together, but all Naruto did was force a smile and say sure. Sasuke couldn't tell his smile was fake, so it just hurt him and made him keep asking him over and over until it became a daily thing.

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