Chapter Five: Hudson

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Hudson Winters' P.O.V


I couldn't sleep. As much as I tried, my thoughts kept going back to the upcoming hockey season and the ever-looming threat I potentially would not make it. I never stressed over making a hockey team before. As a kid, my dad would sign me up for teams and I would just play my heart out. In high school, I basically founded the hockey team. Royal Vic scouted me... so did Northshore, so why was I so worried now? Each time I closed my eyes, I was plagued with how badly I needed to make the team. I transferred here from across the country. I left my family back home for this opportunity. I dropped everything to come play here and I couldn't lose it all before it even began— I had to be at the top of my game.

I flew out of bed and packed my gym back.

Liam and Rhett already took me to get a school gym membership the first week I moved to Minnesota, so at least I didn't have to go on a detour to get that done. I drove to the school's sports complex, quickly dumped my bag in an empty locker and made my way directly to the weight room.

I recognized two other guys by the mats, doing kettlebell exercises. We nodded at each other in greeting, before I went to do my own thing. My boys would meet up with me here soon and I knew I wouldn't be able to get in a good run, with them next to me. I hated running with other people—we never had the same pace and it was always so awkward.

I adjusted the cap on my head and got to work, not wasting any time hopping on the treadmill and cranking it up to a high level. I had been training regularly during the off-season, but I had to make sure I was at my peak physical health if I was going to prove myself to the Jackson Coaches.

As I ran, I stared at a crack in the wall to clear my mind. My only illusion of time was the changing of melodies as one song ended and another started up. I didn't put the volume exceedingly high, in case the boys stopped by. I wanted to be able to hear them. Sweat dripped down my face and my pulse raced uncontrollably, but I only increased my speed. I felt alive when my muscles ached. I breathed deeply, reminding myself to exhale the worries and nerves and inhale only positivity— it was something my older sister taught me to do when I felt stressed. I always thought it was stupid until it actually began to make a difference in my mood. With a few careful deep breaths, I allowed my focus to shift from the chipped paint to imagining the upcoming season. I didn't have to push it all down... I could be excited about what was to come without getting worked up.

I saw flashes of me on the ice, scoring goals, dangling defensemen, and breakaways. I envisioned power plays with Rhett and Liam by my side, doing silly celebration dances together, goofing off in the locker rooms, holding the championship trophy, and Bobby calling out plays and cheering for me behind the bench.

I missed my footing for a second as the image of her face appeared in my mind. Quickly jumping off the treadmill before I fell flat on my face, I did a quick set of burpees as though that were my plan the entire time and hopped back on.

Bobby was another reason entirely for why my mind was a mess. Our phone conversation had replayed on an endless loop. I dissected every word, every pause, and nuance until the sun came up. Apart from my mom, I didn't really speak to anyone over the phone. It felt almost intimate to actually speak to each other rather than text—which I knew was a ridiculous notion. I was just one name on a long list of other calls she made last night. It wasn't anything special.

But none of that stopped the thoughts from coming or loving the way my name fell from her lips. It sent a shiver down my spine just thinking about it.

I hopped off the treadmill, on purpose this time, and did another set of burpees. The change of pace was a welcomed distraction from obsessing over one conversation with a girl who was as out of my league as she was off limits... And she was majorly off-limits.

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