End of USJ, Start of the tournament of power-

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Izuku as the mech went area to area, helping his fellow classmates as Midnight tried to use her quirk and avoid the students

After a bit. The heroes entered in with a lack of All Might and Mrs Ergo

Aizawa: we left you in charge of the class and what happens? A villain attack

Midnight: hey, I doubt you would have been able to prevent something that can teleport like the guy who teleported all these villains here... yeesh... I don't know what Ms. Joke sees in you...

Aizawa: me neither... *groan* let's check on the problem children...

Aizawa and Midnight went to check on the kids who were being checked on by Recovery Girl

Izuku though was reverted back to his slime form and wondered something

Izuku's thoughts: hey Great Sage

Great Sage: yes?

Izuku: am I... able to heal them somehow? I can make quirks right? I can make a healing quirk

Great Sage: would you like to make a healing quirk?

Izuku's thoughts: yes! But... I don't think testing it out here would be smart... having more then one quirk might make me suspicious... no one has more then one quirk so all of a sudden one person has more then one quirk it would be-

Great Sage: ahem... your alibi is that you were created by your crush? Correct? Then what's stopping you from having multiple quirks?

Izuku blushed but then realized she was right...

Izuku's thoughts: y-your right! But still... I wouldn't-

Mei: hey Tempest, you alright?

Mei asked Izuku stopping his train of thought

Izuku: o-oh. Yeah I'm fine

Mei: ok, we were about to head home for the day since Recovery Girl healed everyone

Izuku: o-oh, yeah. That's fine, let's go

Mei smiled as she picked up Izuku and started getting ready as everyone else to go home

As they were walking out of UA two people showed up

Mineta: h-hey Tempest... thanks for saving us back there in the USJ

Aoyama: y-yes, if it wasn't for you my cape would have been destroyed by those dastardly villains

Izuku: hey, it's fine... wanna walk home together?

Mineta: yes Tempest senpai! Can you also teach me your ways!

Mei smacked Mineta's head a the midget bowed wanting to know the secret to having bosoms all over him

Mei: change or else no girl will like you

Mineta: r-right... s-sorry

Mei: now, let's go!

The next day when Midnight entered the classroom, she looked a bit disappointed...

Uraraka: a-are you ok Midnight sensei?

Midnight looked bad at the students with the same look

Midnight: *sigh* you guys are going to have the sports festival in one week

.... it was silent...

Before everyone started shouting in excitement

Midnight: H-HEY! QUIET!

The students started to quiet down as they didn't know what else was happening

Midnight: you guys still have to do classes *cough* now... let's begin

The following week was normal for the standards of an actual school... so when the tournament was starting. Everyone was as ready as ever to enter it



Everyone was quiet

Present Mic: can't you take a joke... it is a a joke right?

Aizawa facepalmed

Aizawa: first part of the actual tournament, you guys have to race to the finish line, not that hard right?

A countdown started up, 3-2-1-GO!

Everyone started to run out... but was stopped by ice forming on the floor

Izuku saw Todoroki running fast as he could to get away from everyone else and get to the finish line faster

Izuku absorbed the ice he was caught in, and morphed into a sled as he produced ice himself as he had rockets (from the zero pointer) blast him away

Mei Hatsume was using a jetpack to keep up in third place

But one person blasted the ground hard to keep up

Electricity wrapped around him as blasts of explosions fired from his hands

But instead of constant yelling, he was quiet when catching up

A blonde using a similar quirk was close to Bakugo as well

Todoroki used his ice to cross the pit as did Izuku

The two were neck and neck before a blast of explosions caught them off guard and they had to catch themselves with ice

Bakugo had take the lead blasting over the next obstacle being the mines

Quickly, Izuku absorbed the mines close to him, and made the explosions plus the boosts from rockets go plus ultra as he slid past Bakugo and into first place

Bakugo stared at the slime as he tcked and walked off

The second blonde coming in third, Todoroki in 4th and Hatsume in third

(Started to mix up fics... oh god... I thought I put Bakugo in 1-b... it still works I still works- shush!)


Aizawa: enough, next up... you students will... be teamed up to fight in a calvary battle... except... its randomized... a hero never chooses who they want to fight with


Mina, Todoroki, Kosei, and Shihai

Shoda, Toru, Reiko, and Juzo

Ibara, Kinoko, Kojiro, and Sen

Aoyama, Togaru, Izuku, and Jurota

Momo, Tsuyu, Manga, and Itsuka

Awase, Bakugo, Sero, and Uraraka

Rikido, Kyoka, Monoma, and Yui

Tokoyami, Setsuna, Hiryu, and Mei

Mineta, Shinso, Shoji, and Testutestu

Kirishima, Koda, and Kaminari

Iida, Ojiro, and Pony

Izuku looked at Mei and formed a thumbs up on top of himself out of slime

Mei smiled back as they readied themselves ontop of their teams

Present Mic: now, get ready, get set, FIGHT FOR THE UNIVE-OW!

(Hey guys, back with another chapter and, pick your bets on who will move on... obviously Izuku will, but who else will, choose as I already have the answers picked, I like to see what you guys think would pass with their quirks, team ups... and knowing me and how I write... see ya on the flipside)

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