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You're at your best friends wedding and your partner is harry and also best guy friend

Everything is perfect

You all sit down at the big table and eat

Harry leaves to go talk to some people that he and I know

It makes you a little upset because you're alone now

So you just continue to eat and when he comes back you start to laugh and talk to your other fellow bridesmaids  and groomsmen

Their is one girl that is your friend and harrys named alisa but she makes you jealous because harry seems to always hold her hand and laugh with her

As the night goes on you start to fell upset because you're not having as much fun as everyone else

When it's almost over you decide to go back to your hotel room and change out of your clothes and get ready to relax since today was so hectic

As your watching teen wolf (with the handsome Dylan O'Brien) you hear a knock at the door

You get up and open the door to see harry still in his suit

"Hey how come you left so early?" He asked walking in and making himself comfortable

"I don't know just wasn't really feeling it" you say sitting beside him

"You should have stayed Alisa and I were talking about how all the people who were dancing were so bad and also someone ......

He goes on and on but as you kept listening all you would hear is Alisa

"Harry I would love to talk all night about today but I think I might just want to go to sleep" you say hoping he would try to stay but also stop talking about Alisa again

"What's wrong" he says concerned because he knows you and can tell when you're upset

"It's nothing really" you say trying to walk away so you won't let him see you're eyes start to water

But before you go far away he grabs you arm and turns you toward him

"Tell me what's wrong" he says and you can help but to tell him

"I don't like when you talk about Alisa so much it's always Alisa and I this Alisa and I that It makes me jealous because I love you"
You say fast but don't really mean to say the last part

You're taken back and try to cover it up

"I mean I love you as like a brother " you say but it makes no sense why you would be jealous

"Love that makes no sense at all" he says with a smirk that you can't see very well but can tell by the tone of his voice he's coming closer to you barely an inch away

Your breathing starts to increase as the close proximity makes you get butterfly in your stomach

You're about to ramble on trying to cover up the whole situation but harry stops you by taking that one last move and kissing you

You're taken back but couldn't help but to melt in the kiss and continue it

"I love you I always have and Alisa is just my friend" harry says when he stops the kiss

You can't help but to be so happy and you just jump into his arms and continue the kiss

He brings you onto the bed and just continues to kiss you

You start to unbutton his dress shirt slowly as you do he looks at you breathing heavily

"Are you sure?" He asked

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