BFDI 1A (P1)

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It was another casual day in Goiky, the sun bright, and grass a bright green. The objects were sitting around doing their own thing, minding their own business. Firey and Coiny were sitting on top of Spongy, ranting about how boring it is on Goiky. "I know, we rarely have anything to do! When we DO do something, it's SOOOOO BOOOOOORRINNG," Firey complained. Firey and Coiny were the best of friends, more than best friends possibly, but not boyfriends. "I wish we could ACTUALLY do something where we could at least get some exercise."

Tennisball and Golfball were conversing about using fahrenheit and celsius.


"I personally like using celsius more, but fahrenheits fine I guess," I told TB. I liked him a lot, (platonically) to where I'm sometimes shy talking to him. I always hoped he never thought anything bad of me, so I always take a moment to think before doing anything. "I like fahrenheit more, as you don't need to calculate what temperature it is with celsius." I loved looking at Tennisball, he looks so perfect. Whenever he's talking, I sometimes loose focus, and stare at his eyes, his lips, his entire face! I've always wanted to get a good look at him up close, though I never got the chance. "Uhh, Golfball..?" "Agh, I'm sorry! I zoned out again didn't I?" I need to stop zoning out so much... It's his face that always gets me distracted... "Yeah.. Oh! That reminded me to ask you: why do you keep zoning out so often?" "Uuhhh, I'll tell you later!" I didn't wanna tell him why I would always zone out, as I'm scared he would get weirded out and not wanna talk to me.


GB would always zone out, and it was so strange. I wonder when she'll tell me.. She's so pretty and smart, she's a perfect companion for me! I always like spending my time together, but we would only build projects and talk about scientific stuff. I always spending time with her, regardless what we're doing, but I just wish we could participate in something that wasn't something like that. I'm not sure what we could do, that isn't building or talking about science, but I'm sure we could figure it out eventually.


Leafy was sitting down on the grass, away from all the other objects. She never liked being around others, or socializing unless it was with someone she valued, which was usually no one. She always had a weird interest in knives. She knew it was always strange, but she didn't care one bit. Leafy never had anything to do, she always wish she did. One thing she wanted the most, was to be in a competition. The little bright green leaf always thought she could win the competition with manipulation tactics, and taking advantage of others. She knew it wasn't right to do it, but Leafy would do anything for a prize.


so im gonna try and make the maximum for the chapters 500 words i have not written a story in such a long time so sorry if its dog shit 🤧

531 words (excluding these)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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