Too Late

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Yuqi sat on her apartment's couch, contemplating how she was going to do this. Soojin had just been with her, forcing her to spill it now. A month ago, her father died. And she still hasn't told her girlfriend. She's been silently grieving by herself, not telling anyone. She'd only told Soojin just now because Soojin knew something about Yuqi was off. But otherwise, she would've stayed silent forever.

Her father had been her best friend, biggest supporter. And he was gone. Just like that. Yuqi's personality had shifted, and she hasn't exactly been the most cheerful or caring. But she was going to make it up to her girlfriend today. She's got tickets to a tour of a really famous music showcase, and even bought the ingredients needed to make her girlfriend's favorite dish.

She pulled her phone from her pocket with shaky hands and hesitantly pressed on her girlfriend's contact name. She began to type, when a knock interrupted her.

Yuqi got up from the couch and opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her girlfriend standing right in front of her. She reached her arms out, about to wrap the older girl in a warm embrace.

Her girlfriend, Soyeon, pushed right past her, bumping her shoulder rudely on the way into Yuqi's apartment. Yuqi turned around and closed the door with a confused expression. "Soyeon, I need to tell you someth–"

"I want to break up with you." Soyeon said, her voice and expression completely devoid of emotion. Her arms were crossed, and the way she looked at Yuqi made her feel insignificant. The Chinese looked at her, jaw hanging slightly open in shock, her girlfriend speaking the words that she never would have thought would be said between them.

"What? Why?"

"I don't need a motherfucking reason, I just want to break up. I don't have to tell you everything." Soyeon scoffed, breaking Yuqi's gaze and looking to the side as if the wall was suddenly so interesting.

Yuqi flinched at the curse, not used to those sort of words coming from Soyeon's angelic mouth. "If.. if we're breaking up, can't you at least owe it to me to tell me why?"

"Why should I?" Soyeon whipped her head back to face Yuqi, her eyes slicing daggers into the younger.

"It'd just be nice," Yuqi retorted angrily, blinking back any tears. How come everyone she loved the most was suddenly leaving her? Did she do something to be unworthy of them?

"So we're being 'nice' to each other now?" Soyeon took a step closer to Yuqi, "was it 'nice' when you didn't show up to my birthday party? Or when I waited for you at the airport for hours, worried, and you didn't tell me your flight got cancelled? Or—"

"Okay, I get it!" Yuqi yelled, not wanting to hear about anything else she did wrong. This isn't how it was supposed to go at all. She wasn't a good girlfriend this past month, she'll admit that, but she had been grieving hard. If only Soyeon knew that.

"No you don't!" Soyeon looked like she wanted to strangle Yuqi. Because in her perspective, she doesn't know about the death of Yuqi's father. She thinks that Yuqi is deliberately being mean to her. "I don't owe you anything."

Yuqi took a deep breath, trying to defend her side. "But those were accidents! Soyeon I lov—"

"We're done," Soyeon spat, walking past Yuqi and out the door, not even bothering to close it.

Yuqi stared at the disappearing figure of her girlfriend, dropping to the floor with a soft cry.

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