people in the story

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so this chapter will give you a run down on people in my life like friends and current crushes. which might change when i go into high school in a week. well a week right now. also there may be people mentioned in the story that aren't here and it's cuz i don't want go through the work of putting everyone i know. i only put the important people

maddie b: my best friend. part of counsel. used to have a crush on her. she has a crush on me now but also has a crush on this guy named david. flute/bass

cara: my longest term best friend. part of counsel. we've been friends since preschool. viola

maddy h: newest friend. kinda. part of counsel. we tell each other our problems. trumpet

katelyn: had a crush on her. is dating benton. super cool. my favorite. friend. saxophone

aaron: newest crush. plays the clarinet.

jayden ryan: has a crush on me. looks weird. is called by his first and last name

erick: used to play the clarinet. used to have a crush on him. kinda weird but lowkey funny

jordan: has a crush on me. i shouldn't have a crush on him cuz nobody likes him. saxaphone. calls me hannah cuz that's my sisters name and we're both mean to him. well i'm not actually mean just playful

fernanda: gives the best advice. friend. amazing. trumpet

adamaris: plays the clarinet. friend. has a crush on mila

mila: plays the violin. friend. don't know if she has a crush on adamaris back but could

hannah: my sister. kinda mean but nice

makinzie: pretty cool but can sometimes be weird. saxophone

kendra: wack and a know it all. no one likes her. plays the clarinet

destany: wack and i don't like her. really weird. plays the clarinet. i also don't know how to spell her name

khary: has a crush on aaron. plays trumpet

jose: plays trumpet. pretty cool

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