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hello guys. omg idk how to start this but i guess let's just jump right into it. so i remember me saying that i thought aaron was going to make us have sectionals on tuesday before we left but on monday in band our band director says that the drum line is going to have a sectionals after school so if your section wants to have one too you can. so i look at aaron and aaron looks at me and i just know that he's gonna make us have one. so band is first hour and in my second hour i get an email from him saying he wants to have a sectionals from 6-7pm. so obviously i reply saying i can and he replies back to me saying okay and do i need a ride. so i just said i'll ask my mom and let you know.

so obviously i take up his offer on giving me a ride because what else am i gonna do 😝. so after school i tell him and he says okay. so then it like 5:45 and i get this call from him and yk i obviously answer and he's like hey gracie and i'm like hi aaron and he's like so i was driving to the high school when i look over and i'm like where's gracie 🤔🤯 so i'm on my way. and i'm like okay 😭. so he gets there and we go and yk he's going kinda fast cuz we're kinda late and in the process of trying to get there he almost runs over a couple of people 🤯😭. luckily he didn't and we made it there. so then we're walking in together and our drum major ramiro greets aaron at the door saying some of your section is already here and aaron is like 😨. so then we walk in and grab our clarinets and yk who was already there when they said they wouldn't be. kendra. so we're both like 😫 cuz we weren't expecting her. so of course the whole time kendra yaps about things. but the funniest part was when destiny needed some cork grease and he grabbed some out of kendra's case and he was like oh i used yours kendra and kendra was like don't touch my reeds 😡 and he was like i didn't and she was like good. it was so funny. but then we were playing rocking around the christmas tree and aaron was like gracie play it for us and i was like uh then he was like play it without looking at it and i was also like uh then he COVERS MY EYES! and i was shocked and was like nahh. it was funny tho. but then ramiro walks in and was like you need someone to conduct for you and i was like yes please so i don't have to play by myself. but after an hour we start to leave and when we're leaving ramiro fernanda and jose are all outside talking. so we walk over to them and jose starts taking pictures of us 🤯. it was crazy. then me and fernanda talk and we're like let's run away together but then aaron was like let's go gracie so i say goodbye to fernanda. but while i'm going to get into his truck maddys dad waved at me cuz he was picking up maddy and i didn't realize it was him till i got in. i was like i hope he didn't see me get into a guy that is not my dad truck. and he was like i'm your dad now. it was funny. but yeah that's kinda all that happened or that i can remember

but omg i totally forgot that i was gonna tell you about wac. so nothing really happened there. after we played i was thinking about going back to the bus to get my water cuz i was thirsty and aaron walks out of the bathroom and he's like hi and i'm like hi. and he's like what are you doing and i'm like idk. then he was like do you need to use the restroom and i was like no. then we walked onto the stands together. then when we were in line with the other bands i was standing behind him and everyone that passed us was like scooby cuz he was in his scooby doo costume and i was like damn aaron your famous and he was like yeah 😝. anyways that's all that really happened

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