New oc || Peppermelon

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I've finally created a new oc! Presenting... Peppermelon! 

I'm really bad at designing ocs so I tried to challenge myself this time and it turned out pretty okay! I hope you guys like them! 

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I'm really bad at designing ocs so I tried to challenge myself this time and it turned out pretty okay! I hope you guys like them! 

Name: Peppermelon 

Nicknames: Pep, Melon, Cocomelon (cause why not XD) 

Species: exotic-coloured cat (I'm want to create a bunch of exotic-coloured cats which all comes from eggs) 

Pronouns: they/them

Likes: their egg

Dislikes: being called Cocomelon (by their most respected creator, me *cues holy music*)

Personality: Shy, curious

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