I'm sorry

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After seeing how the other me got a happy ending, I raged.

I killed Shizun.

But its okay.


I got his soul back into his body. I also reattached his limbs because, if the other me gets a nice Shizun why shouldn't I? All it takes is


It's something I'm good at.

As soon as he woke up, he was surprised.

"Am I in another world or something???"

He said as he looked at his reattached limbs, which made me chuckle. "Hello Shizun" I say smirking a bit.

Maybe at the sound of my voice he flinched, or probably is just surprised to see me. But of course that was not the case. Something sparked inside Shizun.

He started backing away from me, which is not surprising.

"G-get away from m-" he paused, "W-what do you want.....?" He says in a small scared voice.

"Shizun... I would like you to trust me... I brought you back for that... I want you to love me. But I need your trust." I say then continue, " I will free you in the meantime, and I will wait. I will keep on asking you if you trust me. If you don't, I will reply with," I pause,

"I'll wait."


I walked inside the bamboo house to see two men instead of one, making me frown, but I quickly hid it with a smile for my Shizun."Hello Shizun!" I say a bit too cheerful, making stupid Liu Qingge scoff.

I glare at him for a few seconds, then I look back at Shizun. "I made a lunchbox for you Shizun!"

He still has his cold stare but takes the lunchbox.

"You didn't need to give me a lunchbox Binghe"

"But I did" I say smiling

This made Liu Qingge scoff AGAIN.

The audacity.

I am seconds behind punching him but I remember something and turn to Shizun. "Shizun.."         I started, "Do you trust me now?" I finally ask.

"I'm sorry Binghe..." He say hinting the rejection making me smile softly.

"Its okay,

I'll wait."




"Will you go to the festival with me today?"

"Sorry Binghe but Liu Qingge already asked me."

i could not hide my scowl

"Why don't we all go together then?"

"Binghe, you know that's weird."

"Okay... one more question." I say, continuing, "Do you trust me?"

"I'm sorry Binghe.... but no..." he says making me smile softly. I reply by saying"Its okay..." I pause.

"I'll wait."


This kept going on and on.

I kept on trying to get a better relationship with him.

But I can't

And its Liu Qingge's  fault. He keeps on stealing my chances. He is always 1 step ahead of me.

One year

Two years

Thee years.

Its been three years and he still says, "I'm sorry."

I know I have been wanting him to say sorry to me but every single time I ask him, "Do you trust me?" he always says I'm sorry.

Instead of me gaining his trust, It was Liu Qingge.

The next day, I walk inside really quietly to surprise Shizun, but of course I see Liu Qingge.

I am about to walk up to them until...

I see Shizun is happy

A little too happy.

I walk up to them.

"What happened?" I say. But as soon as Shizun sees me, he gets sad.


More like pity.

When I see that look, I realize something.

They're dating .

 I blankly stare at them as I get a thought.

I was never meant to have a happy ending didn't I?

I was born to suffer.

"Binghe" he calls

"I'm Sorry"

I'll waitWhere stories live. Discover now