Born Sick

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I'm sick.

Or at least I must be because this morning I woke up with an ache in my chest
But I've woken up like this for years.
As long as I can remember,
Something was always off
Just slightly

Just under the surface, it seemed
Deemed unreachable
Every gutting memory
Every well thought out conversation
Nothing changed
Not completely

So I cough up my regrets
Feel the heat on my forehead as a reminder that I must be broken
I must not be whole

Or maybe the problem is too much
Too much emotion
Too much thought
Too much hurt

I lie in bed all day
I am waiting for this sickness to just leave me alone
I'll cry at the jagged claws that rip at my throat in the morning
Pray my shaking hands and sweating palms don't give anything away

Cover the windows
So the sun doesn't see my face
Miss the days I ignored the signs
When will this putrid pain go away?

Did I cause this,
Make too many mistakes?

Maybe I was born this way.

Poem Collection #2 //Written By Me //Tough, Soggy StuffWhere stories live. Discover now