Chapter 1

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(Luigi's POV)

Groaning I quickly rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the sun as it shone through my window. The morning sky invading my vision, the bitter breeze colliding with my skin. My alarm sounding as it hit the designated time, 6:30am. Slamming my hand down I sighed in contempt as the piercing sound evaporated from my ears. Picking myself up I heading into my on suite bathroom, taking a quick shower I made sure I washed properly, the warm water enduring me as I closed my eyes. Letting the liquid drizzling down my body I quickly washed my hair, the strong smell of mint invading my nose.

Drying myself off I looked at myself in the mirror, the towel tightly around my waist. Showing off my fit but slim figure I couldn't help but frown, disapprove of the boy standing before me. I hated how I looked, my body was almost girly like, except without the genital parts girls were gifted. I was nowhere built like the boys in my school, even so no where near compared to my brother. Despite being shorter than me with a height of 5'1, he was the gifted one, muscles that had grown in him as he got older. Except all I got was a light sleeper build with an ironically much taller height of 5'9.

I know having a slim waist isn't bad but most people see it in a boy as weak, fragile. They aren't wrong I'm all of those categories, ashamed to admit it but it's true. Shaking my head I walked back into my bedroom, immediately opening my wardrobe. I picked an outfit to wear to school before getting changed. Today my outfit consisted of a black T-shirt, grey jeans a Nike jacket n Air 270s. Oh and can't forget my silver chain that I forbid to ever take off in my life.

Making my way downstairs my brother was already in the kitchen, ruffling my hair he had a small smile on as he served up breakfast. "Morning lil bro" he spoke, humour lingering in his tone. "Morning" sitting at the table we tucked in, silence filled the room as we ate, checking the time as we ate. It soon became time to leave, my brother quickly washing up our plate before grabbing the car keys. He was a few minutes older than me, he always dropped me off at school, no matter if I said no he held that offer and the only answer was yes.

Getting into the car he quickly started the engine before pulling out of the driveway. Making our way to school we sang to the music as one of our fav songs came on the radio. Soon arriving at school he parked in his designated parking spot, this was only an add on to being on the soccer team. Making sure I had everything I made my way out of the car, saying my goodbyes I headed into the entrance of school. My brother in front as he headed to his friends from the soccer team.

Suddenly a strong force had collided into me, my body merely twisting, my foot bending on the concrete. Before I could fall two hands had griped onto my waist. Grabbing onto the unknown person arms I looked up. Their arm hair causing me to shiver. His gaze torn into mine as his brown eyes looked me all over. Soon realising I was in the grasp of Donkey Kong. The most popular boy in our school, why? He was a god. His entire body covered in brown fur only complimented his shiny brown eyes, his sharp jawline smoothing out his look. However before I found myself in a daze I quickly pulled myself up.

"S-sorry" I spoke, stuttering off of my tongue. I hated it, the fact I couldn't speak properly. A small smile rose upon his lips as he looked down at me, his muscles tensing to his movements. "No worries" nodding I quickly scurried away before my nerves got the best of me. I could feel my emotions rise as I walked through the hall, students voices blocking off as I headed to class. This was all new to me, the feeling i got in my stomach as I looked at him, the way his brown fur felt on my skin made me shiver.

I could feel my cheeks turn in right red as I thought about that very moment more and more. The way his eyes looked down at me sticking in my memory. That wasn't a normal look, that look had a hint of lust, admire even. How would I know I've never even had my first kiss and here I am trying to assume how that look seemed or came off. I don't know why I'm stressing so much someone like me would never be able to have a chance with someone like him. Even so he's not gay, he's the straightest person in this school. 27

Finally making it to class I quickly took a seat, looking out do the window I merely took a deep breath. Letting all my thoughts erase as I watched the trees flow, birds fly around the trees. However before I knew it lunch had soon come around, packing my bag I quickly made my way to the cafeteria. Making it inside I looked around for my friends before spotting them at our usual spot. Heading over I sat down as they greeted me, smiles on their faces.

"Hello sexy" Daisy spoke bringing me into a hug.
Smiling I greeted everyone back before heading up to get some food from the vending machines. However before I could a vile voice ripped through the air.
"We'll look who it is" King Boo spoke an evil grin plastered on his lips. His gang behind him as they all glared at me, hatred in their eyes. I hadn't even done anything to any of these boys yet they tend to hate me with a passion. Hate wasn't even a good enough word to describe how they felt about me.

Sighing I turned only to meet their gazes, hatred firing off of their bodies. "You know Lulu, I think it's time" shaking my head, I immediately took a step back only to be pulled out of the cafeteria. King Boo's strong grip on my arm only hurting more the tighter he held me. "Stop squirming pipsqueak" he spat, his minions only laughing as Boo slammed the schools back door open. Trying as much as I could I couldn't get out of his grip, his nails soon began to dig into my skin, slamming me against the concrete wall.

"God I've waited for this moment all day" he spoke, his voice coming off rough. His eyes glaring down at me, his hands tightly wrapped around my arms. I was cornered, I had no way of escape no matter the circumstance. I could see the blood trickle down my arm as his nails dug into my skin more, the sharp pain erupting up my body. I couldn't help but whimper to this feeling, an evil chuckle escaping Masons lips as he held me in place, ready for what's next to come. "Boo please, what have I ever done to you" I questioned merely regretting my decision.

Before I knew it his fist had collided with my chest, my insides moving at the impact. I could feel blood travel up my throat erupting in my mouth. The taste was sour, bitter as it slithered along my tongue.
Looking up I was met with another attack, his fist meeting my jaw. Jerking my head to the side blood shot out of my lips, pain shooting through my body once more. Expecting another attack the noise of a body hitting the ground echoed through my ears,
Boo's body laid in front of my feet.

His face was out cold, his mouth agape, his skin became pale as he laid there. Blood trickling from his nose n lips onto the concrete. Looking up his minions had vanished, that's when my eyes met his, Dk's.
Before I could talk he had grabbed my chin, his thumb merely running over my bottom lip wiping away the blood. Boo had split my bottom lip, the pain erupting through my lip only made me jolt a little to Dk's touch. "Sorry" he spoke, his husky voice echoing through my ears at a slow rate.
Nodding he quickly took a hold of my hand, pulling me off of the wall.

Interlocking our fingers he quickly pulled me inside the school, walking at a slow but fast pace. I didn't know where he was taking me but I didn't wanna ask too many questions. Before I knew it I found myself in the nurses office, Dk's hand still in mine as he sat beside me. The female nurse scanning my injuries as I felt pain in my ribs. Hopefully I haven't broke any, I can't afford the cost to get it worked on.
Hissing to the pain as she pressed on my skin Dk, squeezed my hand lightly.

He hasn't spoken since he apologised but just these small gestures made me feel relaxed as the nurse checked up on me. Taking her glasses off she quickly grabbed her radio. "Hi Principal Kamek, Luigi has come into the office with a broken rib, I'm having to send him to hospital" these words only panicked me as I sat up.
"No I can't go to hospital" my voice high and raspy as I caught my breath. "Afraid you have to. you've gotten a broken rib sweetie" shaking my head, I felt Dk place his other hand on my back.

Before I could talk again the nurse had left the room.
Getting off the bed Adrian didn't let me go, his left hand rested on my hip. I could feel his breath hit my neck as he leant down. His lips inches away from my ear as a shiver shot down my skin. "I'll take care of it okay, stop panicking" those words only made me panic more yet somewhat relaxed. Gulping I nodded as a satisfied hum escaped Adrian's lips. Biting my bottom lip I only had one thought on my mind.

What the fuck was I gonna tell my brother?!!

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