Chapter 3

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Before I knew it Dk's hand had found my chin, his eyes looking directly at mine. The room was silent, not a single noise could be heard. His thumb lightly scraping along my bottom lip, the bitter taste of blood entering my mouth. Not saying a word he leaned back, his eyes not leaving my body as I sat there in a daze. All I could think about was that look, like he was trying not to snap. It was like he had become a predator within an instant, eyeing down his next victim, his soon to be prey.

It was hot

Shaking my head I tried not to let him get in my head but he did exactly that. I could feel myself become aroused as I sat there, the very man causing this feeling to my right. His eyes have not once left my slim body, like he was admiring me. But what would he be admiring me for? He's the one with muscles, veins that pop out with each movement he makes, the goddess looks, that husky voice that could send anyone into overdrive. He was the lucky one not me, yet here he is looking me down like I'm his next meal.

"Don't do that again you understand" he suddenly spoke, his voice coming out sharp and restrained. Not wanting to make eye contact I kept my face forward as I gulped. Not replying wasn't a good idea but what was I supposed to say, one look at him and I'd find myself in a daze. Why was even here? Last time I checked we weren't friends? Unless we was except I didn't know of that, that wouldn't happen he's popular I'm not, he's hot, I'm no where near that word, never will be.

The awkward silence soon ended when a doctor came in letting us know that once after surgery I would be free to go. That time soon came as we were making our way out of the building, Dk right behind me. I couldn't help but feel intimidated as he stood behind me, his body nearly pressing against mine. We had to wait for the next bus as the nurse had given us a lift to the hospital meaning the only way home was a cab, bus or get picked up but no one was able to pick us up.

The awkward silence soon ended when a doctor came in letting us know that once after surgery I would be free to go. That time soon came as we were making our way out of the building, Adrian right behind me. I couldn't help but feel intimidated as he stood behind me, his body nearly pressing against mine. We had to wait for the next bus as the nurse had given us a lift to the hospital meaning the only way home was a cab, bus or get picked up but no one was able to pick us up.

Standing in the cold soon ended as we stepped onto the bus, quickly paying for my ticket I made my way to the back leaving a seat for Dk who soon joined me. I could only feel my nerves rise as his thigh rubbed against mine with every movement the bus made. My cheeks flushing a bright red I merely looked out the window only to hear a small chuckle escape Dk's tongue. He knew what he was doing to me, was he trying to tease me cause he knows he's hot? The audacity this boy has, acting like he's the hottest guy in the world.

He is

The impossible journey on the bus soon ended, immediately getting off as Adrian walked in front. I couldn't help but watch as his back muscles moved with every movement. Covering my face I took a deep breath suddenly bumping into something. A pair of hands gripping onto my waist as I came to a halt, not wanting to look up. Uncovering my eyes I met his as he looked down at me, his eyes simply in a daze. Like he was thinking at a fast rate. I couldn't help but find myself losing it as those eyes bore into mine.

"You need to be careful now" he spoke a smirk rising at his lips, the veins in his arms popping as he held me. Pushing myself out of his grip I couldn't stand his touch, the way it felt on my skin. "S-Shut up" I mumbled as I began to walk again. A soft chuckle escaping his lips as he walked behind, silence hitting the bitter air. I felt so small with his presence behind me, it was like he was my bodyguard. I didn't need a bodyguard, I could protect myself, totally.

Finally reaching my house I began to walk up the driveway only to feel a hand grab my wrist. Pulling me around, I slammed into Dk's big chest, my hands landing on his arms as I held myself up. Looking up he was already looking down, a small tug at his lips. "Don't do anything to hurt yourself okay" he spoke, his tone deep n serious. Gulping I nodded quickly pushing myself off of his body. I could feel the heat radiate off of his body, the way I perfectly fitted beneath him only making my nerves much worse. If he wanted to he could take me within an instant and I wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Good boy" he mumbled in a restrained voice, my eyes immediately flickering up to his. Those words had immediately aroused me, the way they slipped off of his tongue only making it hotter. I could feel the bulge in my jeans grow as I kept my gaze on his, his jet black hair flowing as the wind pushed against our bodies. Feeling myself grow much harder, I gave him one more smile before rushing up my driveway, slamming my front door open before closing it again.

Immediately rushing upstairs as pain ran through my ribs I quickly locked my bedroom door. "Sweetie is that you" my mom asked from the other side of the wooden door. Groaning I responded "yes mom give me a few minutes and I'll be down" she responded with a soft yes before heading back down the stairs, leaving me to peace. My hard on wouldn't go down, this boy had me feeling these ways and for what, him to leave me in a unbearable state. Images of him flashing through my mind as I laid on my bed, hand not far from my waist.

Biting my bottom lip i unzipped my jeans, pulling them down softly before placing them on the floor. There I laid exposed in my boxers, my hard on out on show. Slowly pulling them down I groaned as my erection bounced to the sudden friction. Grabbing my hard on I slowly began to manoeuvre my hand, a static feeling erupting all over my body. Adrian immediately coming to my mind as I repeated the motion. From his eyes to his muscles, I could feel myself become much harder than I already was. His voice repeating in my head.

His plump lips as they moved, the way they lifted as he looked at me. That smile he always did when he was happy, laughing with his mates. I could feel myself come close, my hips bucking as the feeling became much stronger. Thinking one more time of those eyes I had climaxed, the sound of relief leaving my tongue, my body relaxing into my duvet. Letting go of my erecting i immediately covered my face, my cheeks burning a hot red, I really did that.

I pleasured myself over a man I am nowhere near hot enough to claim

Cleaning myself off I put my boxers back on before finding myself a pair of shorts. Making sure I looked decent I headed downstairs, my mum immediately popping her head out of the kitchen. "Hey sweetie" I gave her a small smile. "Hi mom" dusting her hands off she motioned for me to come into the kitchen. "So tell me about that handsome fella that was with you" she said in a seductive tone, her eyebrows wiggling in a smooth motion. Groaning I could feel my cheeks flush as I covered my face.

"Mom what are you trying to imply" I spoke, my eyebrows rising to her question. She gently nudged my arm as a smirk rose upon her face "is he your boyfriend" groaning I gently pushed her away "mom are you serious look at him compared to me, I'm way out of his league" this only caused my mum to chuckle as she placed her hand over her hip. "Oh sweetie your so oblivious" she said ruffling my hair. Pushing her hand away I took a step back "excuse me" rolling her eyes she got back to cooking dinner.

"Sorry and arrogant but Luke you really are obvious, if only you saw the way he looked at you"

The way he what?

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