Pretty, Pretty, Please

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For the past few weeks i have been begging if not imploring Ms. Layton to enroll me in a different school. Stephanie hed already switched to a different school so all i had to do was tell Ms. Layton that Stephanie had already moved and that I have no friends and dont want some. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. This would be like the 100th time I have asked Ms. Layton to enroll me in different school.

"Niomi, please pretty pretty please switch me to a different school." If you didnt know Ms. Layton's first name it's Niomi.
"I would do anything for you but just please enroll me into a different school, preferably the one where Stephanie is at." I said to Niomi with my beautiful brown puppy dog eyes.

"Why, tell me one good reason why i should enroll you in a different school, and make it reasonable."

"Well because," I said trying to figure out the good reason as to why I should enroll in a different school. "Since Stephanie is gone I don't have any friends."

"Then make some" she said. "And please, make it quick."

"You know I've never been a person to talk to another without saying anything to weird, and plus i dont like the girls at Blonde High," I stated with a look of fustration. "You know what they say, an all girl school will gut your daughter a girlfriend, and I know that you don't want that to happen, do you?" I asked as she let out a big  sigh knowing that I wasn't going to stop until I got what I wanted.

"Fine, tomorrow morning I'll drive you to school to do all the paperwork, and ask Stephanie for the name of the school that she goes to cause that will be your future school" she said as she walked to the fridge and pulled out a jar of orange juice I had made. "I Will Be Moving Jennifer Too, you know." I frowned at the thought of having, once again, the same scool.

"Ohh come on, I did this to at least get away from her at school.  She already ruined my all girl high school experience and now she is not going to stop until she ruins my boys and girls high school experience."

"Fine you know what, I will see what I can do to get her to go to another school, but don't count on it, okay?"

"Really! That's great..." I was cut off by Ms. Layton

"I said Don't Count on it"


After we had that great chat, I wanted to call Stephano and tell her the good news. I dialed in her digits, luckily I had memorized them just in case i dont have my phone with me, which will probably never happen but you never know.

Phone conversation with Stephanie

"Hello" she said

"Hey Stefano guess what?" I questioned her.

"You ate?" She said that because she thinks I am too skinny and I did have an eating disorder, but that was a long time ago.

"Well yes, but something better happened!"

"What happened?"

"Oh c'mon guess."

"I don't know."

"Fine, I guess I am going to have to say it, well, I asked Niomi if she can change me to your school. And guess what, she said yes!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. "But that's not the best part about it, she said she said she was going to move Jennifer too,..." i was cut off by Stephanie.

"Wait, what did you say. She's also going to move Jennifer, ohh no this can't be happening?" She said

"I meant to say that Jennifer is moving to a different school not the one I am futurely going to, but to a different one, isn't that great?" I said and asked.

" oh my God girl that is so cool, I've already spent to much time on her."

"Well i got to go. Call you later, okay bye. Love you"

"Okay bye, love you too" and with that i hung up the phone and went downstairs.


A few hours have passed and I am at an abandoned park. I always come here to think about stuff, although it is kind of creepy to here at night,  bit its relaxing and peaceful. I have never told anyone about this place, not even Stephanie. It really just gives me an alone but peaceful time.

While I was in my thoughts I heard my phone ringing. I noticed that I have like 50 missing calls and about 100 messages. They were all wondering where I was and what I am doing and they are all worried about me and a whole bunch of stuff. I decided to call Ms. Layton.

"Hello, Natalie is this you?"

"Yes, what happened I have like a million calls from you and Steph?"

"What do you mean what happened? Your. Not here. I've been calling you since forever. Where are you,  I've been worried sick about you."

"I am at the park" I told her not wanting her to know my hideout

"What park"

"a knew park I found."

"Wait, how did you get there?"


"What you aalked all the way down there alone"

"it's not that far from the house."

"Still wait there i am on my way. Okay?"


I had to walk to a different park close to there so she work now we're I was. I really didn't want anybody knowing we're this park I go to all the time was at. It's the place I can truly find peace. If I'm not out with Stephanie I'm any this park skating or walking or just basically sitting there all alone like how I usually am.

After Niomi picked me up she asked me a whole bunch of questions and gave a big speech about how dangerous it is to be out there alone in the dark and about what will she do without me and you know everything any mother would do, cause to me Niomi is my mom even though we dont have the same bloodstream. Then I went to sleep.

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