Getting The Hell Out Of There

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"You gatta know, I'm here to fuck with niggas souls, my heart is cold, its probably cause I'm from the snow , with all my..." I was singing along with Drake to his song '6 Man' when i was cut off by Jennifer.

"Would you turn off your music, fuck you are so annoying, just shut up!" She screamed as she opened my bedroom door.

"Would yoy get out of my room, you fucking bitch!" I screamed back

"Girls girls, why are you talking to each other like that?" Ms. Layton said.

"Well because Jennifer wont get out of my room." I answered.

"I was just telling her to turn off her music because it was too loud." Jennifer said.

"Well, next time you talk to each other like that your getting grounded. Understood?" She said and asked.

"Yes Naomi" I said, but Jennifer just got out of my room.

~~~~~~~the next day at school~~~~~~~

Mrs. Smith, my english teacher, was blabering about some thing but i was just waiting for the front office to call me over there so I can finally get the hell out this Blonde high school for girls. Mrs. Smith's phone started to ring and I immediately sat up and hear her say some things to who ever was on the other line.

"Miss. Natalie they need you in the front office and take your stuff you will be going home today and the rest of the school year." She said. Mrs. Smith was a nice lady she was like in her late 30. When I say that you might think I'm lying but no she was the most chill person ever, if you dont get on her bad side.

Before I went home I was stuck at school and filling out the paperwork. Then I went to the other school and filled in more paperwork. I was thinking of calling Stephanie so she can come to the front office pretending to go to the restroom.

"Hey steph, come to the office I am here."

"For what?"

"So I can see you."

"Umm... I... can't I am taking a test and nobody can leave until they finish the test."

"You're not lying to me are you?" It feels like shes lying to me for some reason

"No, tou know what? I am going to try and go ro the restroom, just mmeet me there. Okay."

"Okay I'll be there, but in waht restroom?

"The one in the main hall"

I went to the restroom and found the one in the main hall. While I was waking over there I saw someone who was talkin, more like screaming in somebody's face and telling them some really rude stuff.

"You stupid bitch.  next time you talk to my boyfriend i will destroy you. Stay out of my way...." I have no idea who it was but i am not going to let them talk to whoever that is like that."

"Eyy whoa whoa whoa..." I walked over to thwm and started talking  bit when I saw who the rude person was talking too i was in shock. "Stephanie, why are ypu let this skeleton talk to you like that?"

"Who are you and did yoy just call me skeleton? The rude girl said

"The better question is who are you and why are you talking to stephanie like that and not just stephanie but to me too?" I replied

"Well if you dont know whoo I am you must be knew here, everyonenows me here, I am Lisa, and you should know better than to be talking to me like that, you nobody."

"I am knew here and nobody talks to me or my friends like that you spoiled brat,
And you know what I have to talk to stepanie soo get out of my way so we can pass through." I told Lisa the spoiled brat.

"You know whatever, I have something better to do than to be talking to a pair of nobody's. Amd remember Stephanie syay away from him." With that she walked away, and I was really wondering why Stephanie had let Lisa talk to her like that. I know Steph would never let nobody talk to her like that.

"Stephen tell me why you let that hoe talk to you like that and what did you do for her to talk to you like that? I asked.

"Wel my history teacher was assigning our partners  for the project that we have to do in his class and apperantly there was a rumor that me and her boyfriend, my partner for the project, although he'shot and everything he is not my type..." i cut her off. She was just blabbering and wouldn't get to the point of this.

"Get to the point Stephen." I said.

"Well There are rumors that me and him are hooking up in the library, cause thats where i am getting all the information I need for the project and he is always following me and not letting me concentrate on what i am supposed to be doing and we are always together, but not because I want to be with him, but because he is always wanting to be with me, supposedly because of the project but I told him that I was going to do it since he really isn't doing anything." She said.
I doubt she wouldn't want to be with him because she did say that he was hot and like it or not she will have to be with him until they have completed their project.

"Can you believe it, i am actually going to be in timbwood High School, you know that Timbwood is a really strage high school name right?" I said.

"Yes and yes it is a really wierd name." Stephano said.

"Well i have to go to fill oit more paperwork, I'll be going to your house or you'll come to mine okay, TTYL.

"okay bye Eilatan." Eilatan is my name written back word's. I honestly dont know how she says it because I can't even say that.

I went back to the office where Niomi and some other guy were waiting for me to take a tour of the school, which was a pretty big campus. We went on the tour of the whole campus and they gave me my schedule and went to all my classes I got to see Stephanie on the passing periods amd I do have 3 classes with her, but thats it.

After iwent home I called Stephanie and told her my complete schedule then we talked about everybody there she told me about the plastics and that Lisa was the main one and she had 2 othe minions that did everything for her and worshipped her, i mean i dont get it iwould never let nobody treat me the way she treats them.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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