Fistfights and Mates

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Penny's POV
Have you ever been in such a rush to get ready for a party, you forget something? Well I did and it helped me to find my mate.

I was walking out of my house after grabbing my jacket and I saw members of the deadwall gang. I walked fast because we all knew what they do to women. It made my skin crawl.

I heard my name being called so I looked about and seen my best friend Jasper. Who was frantically waving his arms and telling me to run. I shoved my jacket on and pelted towards him, now aware of the gaining gang members behind me.

The fastest one,who was tallish, brown hair and had green eyes rugby tackled me to the ground. I screamed as I fell. "I GOT HER, I GET FIRST GO !" I heard the other guys groan. I wasn't about to be a plaything for these dickheads.

I swung my leg around hitting him in the temple. He sagged to the ground and I shimmied for under him. I stood up brushing myself off. The two others saw what had happened and I sighed in relief when Jasper arrived with his cousin Blake and Blake's best friend Tyler. Who looked like he wanted to kill everything.

As they made their way over to us the two remaining guys ran at me pinned me against a wall. I lifted my leg and booted one in the stomach. He fell back and the one who had me pinned to the wall punched me in the face over and over again and I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Jasper and Co were still ages away but getting closer by the second. I wiggled my arms free and put my thumbs into the guys eyes. I pressed in with all my strength and the guy screamed. He pushed his hand into my face and the back of my head hit off the wall. I started seeing stars and I was losing conciousness.

The other guy had gotten up and managed to detach my arms punching me in the stomach.
I fell to the ground in pain. The two guys lifted me and carried me towards a truck. I squirmed and kicked out, hitting the closest person to me. He dropped my legs and I spun around suckered punching the other guys making sure no one would come after me.

I began running over to Jasper, Blake and Tyler who were running towards me. I felt someone behind me and a sharp pain in my neck which I shouted at. I began to feel dizzy. Tyler caught me as I fell and Jasper and Blake fought the others.

Tyler, running, carried me to Jaspers house. The last thing I heard was " I'm so proud of my mate." I smiled. I found him.

(Picture of penny)
So guys did you like it ?? You'll probably see it as a first chapter in a new story I'm planning. I'll publish it after I'm finished my other stories !!
This is your author
Signing off ✌

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