Chapter 2: What to choose and who to believe...

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"What seems to be the problem?" Ever started to question him.

Desmond showed her the tablet as he took pictures on the evidence. "According to this, this is unknown on how to begin. But.." he slid onto the next pic. "..this has shown that the girl with the peach hair had carried a weapon."

"So... they killed each other..?" Ever, sounding skeptical, scrutinized right before her very eyes. 

"We tried asking the other students on who witnessed this incident. Apparently, this girl named Kayane was the one who caused all this ruckus.." He pointed out the girl on the screen.

"She must've killed herself so that she won't be put into custody.." Ever observed the picture of Kayane, who was surrounded in a pool of blood. They soon returned to approach me. But Ever realized a while ago when she tried to approach me, she halt herself.

"I don't believe she killed herself.." Ethan started mumbling, beginning to have some second thoughts, as he analyzed the picture closely. 

"Sweetie.." Ever stood in front of me. Her voice was so reassuring and gentle that it slowly reached my ears.

"Ever.." Ethan hesitated.

"It's alright, Ethan.." She reassured, still facing me as she touched my hand calmly. "Honey.. I know that you have been involved on what happened.  But I need your cooperation in solving this case, alright?"

It took me awhile to gather her words. I nodded in response as she gave me a warm smile in return.

Somewhere in the corner of my eye, I noticed the same medical aids that were in the hallway. Deliberately in a hurry, they were carrying a person who was covered in a white blanket. My heart clutched for a second, afraid to know who it was. Terrified, I gripped my blanket tighter.

Not letting me assume on who's the victim, "C'mon sweetie..." she climbed on board to the ambulance along with her partner. 

Ethan closed the door, as the vehicle started moving - on the way to the hospital.

"Sweetie, could you tell us your name?" Ethan began to speak, breaking the utter silence inside the vehicle. 

Ever glanced at my expression.  Only the sounds of the siren fill the minute of silence.  I couldn't pretend like it didn't happen. 

With just a clank of a footstep, it stood right before my innocent eyes as it replayed the scene, over and over again. 

"Ethan.." Ever stopped him for a second.

He noticed that I was carrying an I.D. It was covered in blood stains the minute the blood was splotted after Kayane impaled Ayane.  It somehow spilled onto me just when Ayane took the blow. 

"May I..?" He asked my permission, looking at me in the eye, trying to gain trust. However...

When I lift my head slowly as if there were dumbells weighing the back of my neck, I shook my head, backing away.  A look in my face saying to them "Please don't hurt me..!". My body shifted in terror as the flashbacks of that nightmare haunted me once more.

"W-we just wanna help..!" The lady intervened, placed her hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

You can't...

"I apologized for my partner.. Kasumi." She took a glance at my I.D. "I know you were still traumatized from all of this, but you can trust us. We'll do everything we can to find out on what caused all this.."

How can I trust you after I lost someone whom I thought I trust the most..?

The trip went quickly since I wasn't paying attention to it. As soon as we reached our destination, Ever was by my side considering I barely know her to me despite that she is a police officer.  I saw their logo on the jacket. CSI Agents.

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