The Fates
The Fates are a trio of Goddesses of Fate & Destiny, they represent the three aspects of mortality & time. They are the daughters of Tehom & YHWH, The Maiden is the youngest sister, she represents Life & the Past. The Mother is the middle sister, she represents Lifespan & the Present. The Crone is the oldest sister, she represents Death & the Future. The Fates have different avatars in different pantheons to do their work in their own pantheon.
The Woyengi (African Avatars)
The Qadar (Arabian Avatars)
The Wawalag (Australian Avatars)
The Andanza (Aztec Avatars)
The Maras (Baltic Avatars)
The Patuak (Basque Avatars)
The Chokh chatā (Buddhist Avatars)
The Moirai/Parcae (Byzantine Avatars)
The Fāt (Canaanite Avatars)
The Matres (Celtic Avatars)
The Mìngyùn (Chinese Avatars)
The Moirai/Parcae/Destini (Classical Avatars)
The Hemsut (Egyptian Avatars)
The Destini (Etruscan Avatars)
The Kohtalot (Finnish Avatars)
The Bedi (Georgian Avatars)
The Moirai (Grecian Avatars)
The Bhaagy (Hindu Avatars)
The Sorsok (Hungarian Avatars)
The Atugai (Inuit Avatars)
The Unmei (Japanese Avatars)
The Unmyeongs (Korean Avatars)
The Destinos (Mayan Avatars)
The Namtar (Mesopotamian Avatars)
The Atosis (Native American Avatars)
The Norns (Norse Avatars)
The Fāts (Persian Avatars)
The Mga tadhana (Philippine Avatars)
The Hopena (Polynesian Avatars)
The Parcae (Roman Avatars)
The Rozhanitsy (Slavic Avatars)
The Destinos (South American Avatars)
The Kader (Turkic Avatars)
The Dịnh mệnh (Vietnamese Avatars)
The Des (Vodou Avatars)
The Awọn ayanmọ (Yoruba Avatars)