The Mother

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The Mother (Real Name)


Dị ugbu a (African Avatar)

Hadir (Arabian Avatar)

Gunabibi (Australian Avatar)

Esperanza (Aztec Avatar)

Karta (Baltic Avatar)

Oraina (Basque Avatar)

Pạccubạn (Buddhist Avatar)

Lachesis/Decima (Byzantine Avatar)

Hurriya (Canaanite Avatar)

Ann (Celtic Avatar)

Zhǎnshì (Chinese Avatar)

Lachesis/Decima/Pepromene (Classical Avatar)

Shait (Egyptian Avatar)

Pepromene (Etruscan Avatar)

Esittää (Finnish Avatar)

Ats'mq'o (Georgian Avatar)

Lachesis (Grecian Avatar)

Vartamaan (Hindu Avatar)

Ajándék (Hungarian Avatar)

Ukiutinuuffiit (Inuit Avatar)

Genzai (Japanese Avatar)

Samshin (Korean Avatar)

Presente (Mayan Avatar)

Mer (Mesopotamian Avatar)

Agaskw (Native American Avatar)

Verdandi (Norse Avatar)

Prezənt (Persian Avatar)

Kasalukuyan (Philippine Avatar)

Lagihulugia (Polynesian Avatar)

Decima (Roman Avatar)

Podarok (Slavic Avatar)

Presente (South American Avatar)

Sunmak (Turkic Avatar)

Hiện tại (Vietnamese Avatar)

Prezante (Vodou Avatar)

Lọwọlọwọ (Yoruba Avatar)

Protogenos & Personification of Fate, Destiny, Lifespan & the Present

Daughter of Tehom & Yesh

(Conceptual Purview) Protogenos of Fate: Fatumkinesis: The Mother is the Primordial & the Embodiment of Fate. As the Primordial with the Purview of Fate, The Mother has fatumscience, fatumpotence, perceive, shape, & can manipulate fate, allowing them to affect reality and events in several ways, both overt and hidden.

(Conceptual Purview) Protogenos of Destiny: Pepromenokinesis: The Mother is the Primordial & the Embodiment of Destiny. As the Primordial with the Purview of Destiny, The Mother has pepromenoscience, pepromenopotence, perceive, shape, & can manipulate destiny, allowing them to affect reality and events in several ways, both overt and hidden.

(Life Purview) Protogenos of Lifespan: Timeokinesis: The Mother is the Primordial & the Embodiment of Lifespan. As the Primordial with the Purview of Lifespan, The Mother has timeoscience, timeopotence & can control their own or others' lifespan; extending, reducing or even completely removing it.

(Time Purview) Protogenos of the Present: Syncognition: The Mother is the Primordial & the Embodiment of the Present. As the Primordial with the Purview of the Present, The Mother has syncoscience, syncopotence & can perceive current events and observe what's happening in the moment, even obscure, intricate events, and down to fine details, despite not being there. The temporal scope of this power is very limited to the currently existing moment, and visions cannot be repeated; once it's happened, it's happened.

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