(Viết vui vui vì ngứa tay quá)

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Không đủ tgian để triển truyện dài, mà vẫn muốn viết:)) nên cày rp với bạn tui :)))

Rp bằng tiếng Anh nhe, và tui chỉ pót một phần nhỏ do tui viết thôi, k pót toàn bộ đâu he ✨


Welcome! English is not my mother tongue though, pardon me if there's any mistakes.
I'm improving everydayyyy

Here we go the shorttttt reply cut from my roleplayyy


Tord is shocked by the scene in front of him. The hickeys are even more vibrant than the way it was on the screen, and he's looking love-deadly straight to them, sparsing all over Tom's skin.
"It's beautiful."

He smiles. The adolescent knows that he's making a thought-provoking expression, but he couldn't help himself, because he feels like there's an initiative blooming inside of his stomach, being crashed into million of light sparks lighting his once dull intellectual.


How much he loves his brother in all of these hallucinations he made from dreams and stories.

His brother is obviously weak to any approach, and he feels like his mask is dropping pieces by pieces, revealing his deviant instinct to every movements the brunette is currently making, accidentally or rationally.

"I'm sorry, you had to do this for us."
He said, trying to play the last role he created.
"I knew it all, just never told you for once. I don't want to be bothering."

'I didn't want to bother you with my desire, of how much i wanted to engross you."
'But I couldn't stand it anymore. Just one last push and now i know I'm falling.'

To the deepest truth of his soul.

He feels a crisis.
It is just like he had been lying to himself all of his timeline.
It wasn't like "Tom was his brother so he had to be his", it was "Tom was his, even if he was his brother".
It was two different ideas, that he tried to cover one by another.





He cannot lie to himself. It's a gourmet meal for his mentality to indulge himself like a flesh feast about his illustrated predictions about what can happen next.
Will he keep the role? His mask is already cracking down, revealing his lust and selfishness.
Will he be nice? Nice to what extend? Trying to repress himself from ruining such a born to be masterpiece art body like this?
He can't even know what he is thinking. He's getting emotion orgasm from only viewing who was seen to be his brother.

Tom is now a man. A piece of meat for Tord to relish.

He slides into the tub, sitting down with the waterproof tissue he left on from the floor. It still has the gel on it.

"Let me- Let me just--- wipe everything was left from yesterday away-"
His voice is shaking. It makes him sounding like he's getting nervous...
"I know you were too tired for a bath."
But he knows the fact, that it is actually shaking due to excitement.

Pure excitement.

The movies outside ends at the right moment, leaving a shady atmosphere between them.
He bends himself toward the brunette, forcefully making Tom to change to another more open posture. Then the adolescent move the tissue up and downward onto his brother's skin, around his flat chest, and skinny abs, moving down to his thighs, and even furthermore.
He doesn't even care if his brother didn't like it.






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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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Drapetomania (TordTom đồng nhân _ AU Lời thú tội)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ