Chapter 1: Reluctant Beginnings

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"Mom, seriously? I can't believe you're making me go to this new school," Jihoon exclaimed, his voice oscillating between teenage frustration and pure melodrama.

His mother raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into an amused grin. "Oh come on, Jihoon. It's not the end of the world. New faces, new experiences, and new opportunities—"

"New opportunities to embarrass myself, you mean," Jihoon retorted, crossing his arms with a huff. "And what about my old school? The one where I actually had friends?"

"But now you have a chance to meet new people and make new friends—"

"New enemies, more like."

She chuckled, a knowing glint in her eye. "Look at it this way: new school, new chances to make better impressions, unlike the milk incident at your other school."

Jihoon's scowl deepened, but he couldn't help but snicker. "Yeah, because nothing says 'I'm cool' like accidentally spilling milk on myself on the first day."

His mother playfully nudged his shoulder. "See? A sense of humor will be your secret weapon."

He sighed dramatically. "Or my downfall."

As Jihoon stepped out the door, he couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe, just maybe, this new adventure wouldn't be as catastrophic as he imagined. After all, if he could survive his mom's bad pep talks, he might just stand a chance against the challenges of a new high school.

Or maybe not.

Jihoon's grand entrance into the classroom was like a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy show. He trailed behind the homeroom teacher, all set to make an unforgettable first impression.

But, oh boy, did he nail it.

As he stepped in, his shoelaces turned traitor, but he somehow managed to stay on his feet.

"Smooth move," he mumbled to himself, his face flushing red.

Jihoon heard a few chuckles from the class, but luckily they hadn't seen that and were just talking amongst themselves.

"Okay, everyone settle down, we have a new addition to the class," the teacher said loudly, trying to reach the people still talking at the back.

"H-Hello, everyone, I'm Park Jihoon. Let's all get along well," Jihoon flashed an awkward grin, trying to ignore the fact that all eyes were on him.

"You can take this seat here at the front."

Class went by quickly, and now there's an even bigger issue: "Lunch." When you're the new kid at school, lunch is basically trying to make friends in a warzone.

Jihoon took a deep breath and walked into the bustling cafeteria, trying to blend in.

His attempts at mingling were met with cold shoulders and sidelong glances. He tried to strike up conversations, but his words seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving behind an awkward echo.

"Hey, you guys like anime?,that's a Yuna-chan key chain on your bag!" Jihoon ventured, only to be met with a chorus of eyerolls.

"Go away, four eyes."

Jihoon sighed, his spirits deflating. He felt like a balloon trying to make friends with needles. Gathering his lunch, he made his way to the rooftop. Hopefully, he could at least be in peace as he ate alone.

There, on the rooftop, as he ate his lunch, he couldn't help but feel the sting of loneliness. His food was his only company, and his tears were the secret audience to his emotional drama.

Mid-sniffle, he couldn't help but blurt out his heart, "This is just great, Jihoon. You've become a loner. From now on, I'm Four Eyes the Loner Otaku."

"Wow, melodrama on the rooftop? What a treat," a voice called out, causing Jihoon to leap out of his skin.

"AHH! I didn't see you there!" Jihoon yelped.

"Clearly, and I'm kinda trying to sleep. So, you done with the sob story? Or should I grab some popcorn?"

Jihoon felt like he was just slapped with embarrassment. "No, I'm—I mean, yes, I'm done! Sorry, gotta go, bye!"

As Jihoon fled the rooftop, his face flushed red.

He decided to head back to his classroom as lunch was going to end soon. On his way back, Jihoon spotted a poster on the bulletin board in front of his classroom.

"Join The Anime Club."

"A-anime club? They have that here. Maybe, just maybe, this is my time to finally shine and fit in with people on my wavelength," Jihoon thought to himself, finally feeling like he could belong at this school.

After all the excruciatingly long afternoon classes, Jihoon hurried on to the anime club.

He walked up the stairs to the second floor and went down the hallway until he reached the classroom at the end of the hall with a taped-on piece of paper torn right out of a notebook reading "Anime Club" on te door. He took a deep breath and slid the door open.

What he walked into was a sure weird sight. Members were posing with toy swords, discussing obscure anime trivia, and debating whether a bento box could indeed save the world. Jihoon blinked, wondering if he'd walked into a parallel universe. This was his kind of weird—but was it too weird?

He began his tactical retreat, ready to escape the sight and stick to the familiar. But before he could vanish into the hallway, eagle-eyed members spotted him. And suddenly, the circus turned into a song of pleas.

"Wait! Don't go!"

"Join us! Please!"

"If you don't, our club's doomed!"

Hold up, doomed? Jihoon stopped in his tracks, his escape plan fizzling. "Doomed? Like, apocalyptic doomed?"

The club's spokesperson—a person who looked like they'd been animated themselves—nodded dramatically. "Student Council prez gave us an ultimatum. New member by week's end, or sayonara, club."

Jihoon sighed, defeated by fate—or rather, the student council. "Fine, fine! I'll join. But no ninja attacks, alright?"

Cheers erupted, and Jihoon found himself sucked into the madness.

Lee Minseok, all smiles and energy, held Jihoon's hand like they were sealing a secret superhero alliance. "Hey there, I'm Lee Minseok. They call me the 'Human Firework.' I promise, I'm way cooler than that sounds."

Kang Joonho strutted over, striking a pose that made Jihoon snort. "Step aside, folks, Kang Joonho's in the house! They say I'm a 'Joke Jedi,' but don't worry, I won't force the humor on you."

Kim Taeyang leaned against the wall with the kind of brooding intensity that only made Jihoon want to burst out laughing. "Name's Kim Taeyang, also known as 'Princess.' I can vanish without a trace, especially when chores are on the horizon."

"P-princess?" Jihoon questioned.

"It's what all the girls call him because he's the prettiest guy in school," Joonho said, looking really pissed. "I think I'm better looking, though," he boasted proudly right after.

Jihoon couldn't help but chuckle. These were his people—quirky, lovable, and undoubtedly funny and friendly.

As the conversation shifted to their shared obsession, "Stellar Enchantresses: Lumina Guardians," Jihoon felt something click. Geeky debates ensued, and somehow, Jihoon wasn't the newcomer anymore—he was part of the club.

Time whizzed by in a whirlwind. Before he knew it, the meeting was over, and they spilled out into the corridor. As they walked home together, their shared joy was infectious.

One by one, they peeled away from the group, bidding goodbyes like characters at the end of an episode. Jihoon reached the bus stop, alone but not lonely. Maybe his new adventure was more of a sitcom than a tragedy, and maybe, just maybe, he'd finally found a place he could belong.

On the bus ride home, Jihoon couldn't help but smile to himself.

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