1 | Tadpoles

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Going forward, please excuse any historical inaccuracies and canon divergence! Most changes to the timeline/canon events are intentional, but I haven't read the manga or watched the anime in full so some things may be off haha

Spoiler warning from here onward for chapters 174+ [Yoriichi's past]

Across the countryside of Japan, there are whispers of an enigma that wanders the hidden paths and lush forests.

Cloaked in exquisite robes bearing images of eternal summers and with hands clad in silken gloves, those who catch even a fleeting glimpse are inexplicably drawn forth. There are claims of its ethereal beauty and enigmatic smile, but what ultimately beckons to those graced by its presence is a sense of seeming clairvoyance, an understanding that delves into the depths of one's heart without uttering a single word.

For those who chance upon this spirit, it is considered to be a blessing: said to seek out only those who are gifted yet unable to harness their full potential, it illuminates the path for those wronged by a capricious world toward lifelong happiness and prosperity.

That is why many who are unsatisfied with their lives venture deep into the heart of the wilderness, lured by the promise of effortless miracles. Among them are the despondent with nothing to lose who wonder whether their lives are truly worthless, as well as those emboldened by greed who seek to claim the beautiful spirit and its blessings for themselves.

Yet, all such souls err grievously, for it is rumoured that those unworthy who foolishly court the spirit's favour are never seen again. Ultimately, it is told that encounters are far from the whims of chance, but the design of fate itself: a pawn of fate's jurisdiction, the spirit exists to restore the equilibrium of the world, and those who dare to challenge its purpose for their own benefit are erased.

Over time, however, these stories have fallen into obscurity, the distant echoes of days long past. For decades the spirit has lain dormant, bearing not a single blessing for the weary and downtrodden. In the present day, they are nothing more than the whispers of village elders exchanged in the twilight, warning the young not to stray too far and the covetous not to soar too close to the sun. Yet, in reality, these tales hold little sway today.

They were never true, anyway.

As the ship's anchor grinds against the seabed, you stand at the vessel's bow, the wind carrying the salty tang of the sea. Stepping ashore, you find yourself on the same land you left behind, yet a land irrevocably transformed by time.

Japan is not as you remember. It should come as no surprise to you – after all, the ebb and flow of civilization is only natural in a world always restless to evolve. The air feels different, laden with an undercurrent of anticipation and unrest that seems to seep through the very soil beneath your feet. Inevitably, it leaches through your robes to prick your skin and you quicken your steps, eager to create distance from the crowd.

As you weave through the bustling streets of the port city, you keep a watchful eye out for signs of familiarity amid the unfamiliar. The aroma of street food mingles with the distant scent of brine. Your eyes catch sight of a vendor's stall adorned with an array of colourful trinkets, fabrics, and fragrant herbs. Among the offerings, a delicate wisp of purple draws your attention – a bundle of wisteria incense sticks, neatly arranged and emitting a subtle floral fragrance.

Approaching the stall, you allow your gaze to linger on the array of offerings before meeting the idling man's eyes with a warm smile. "Good day, sir," you greet with a friendly tone and a hint of curiosity.

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