Chapter 8

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One week later

"So, what are you doing?" Liara asked as Damon finished making a fire.

"Making a fire. That should keep us warm for the night." Damon said, he stood up and brushed some of the dirt from his clothes.

"Right okay. Have you ever been outside this long?" Liara asked. Her dress was changed into a muddy skirt and top with her cloak on her bed made from leafs.

"No I haven't." Damon smiled, "I was really locked inside my castle for a long time really. But with my dad asleep I can't stay inside. Not anymore."

"And that's fine." Liara smiled "Adventuring is good."

"It is good but then like I said my mom died from that as well." Damon said.

"Yeah I guess it can be dangerous." Liara said.

"But don't worry. I moved on from her as I never met her either." Damon said.

"That's sad." Liara said. She moved to grab her cloak from their bed made from leafs.

"Are you cold?" Damon asked and moved to sit next to her.

"A little." Liara said, she moved closer to Damon.

"Here." Damon said, and removed his cloak to wrap around her.

"Thanks." Liara said and smiled, she leaned her head against Damon's shoulder.

They could hear horses running towards them.

"We need to move." Damon said and Liara nodded and they both ran.

They both ran further into the forest before there was a horse in front of them. The knight had his hand on the handle of his sword.

There were more horses running in every direction as they both halted and turned to the other side.

"Prince Damon of the Crimson Empire!" Joseph yelled out and climbed off from his horse.

Damon stiffened and pushed Liara behind him.

He did not expect Joseph to hug him though.

"Uhh." Damon stuttered. 

"You ran off! You left! You didn't even tell me!" Joseph yelled and grabbed Damon's shoulders.

"Dad told me to leave! The doctor was bad! I didn't want to leave! I didn't have a choice!" Damon yelled back.

"No! You could've told me! I could've helped!" Joseph shouted.

"Enough!" A stronger voice called out and over.

"Uncle?" Damon asked.

William was smiling tiredly but he immediately turned stern "No more bickering from you two! Joseph your king until your father is better. You should know better. Damon, why did you run off?"

"Because I didn't have a choice! Father said to leave!" Damon shouted. He moved away from his family to stand next to Liara.

"Who is this lovely lady?" Joseph asked. Gesturing to Liara.

"My name is Liara. Your highness." She said softly.

"And where are you from, dear?" William asked.

"Diamond Hollow."

"That is miles away! Actually on second thought! What are you doing out here with a girl?!" Joseph shouted again.

"I wanted to help. Damon keeps saying he'll walk me back home but I want to stay with him." Liara defended Damon.

"Really?" Joseph asked, he placed his left hand against his left side.

"Yes. I promise. A diamond promise." Liara said.

Joseph stared at her before nodding. "Okay then. What do you need me to do?"

Damon stared at him with disbelief.

"What? I'm older and I'm king so I can easily do it." Joseph explained.

"Oh uh okay, I need you to get rid of the doctor so that I can come up with a plan." Damon said.

"Okay." Joseph nodded, "Got it."

Suddenly the moon glowed brighter.

Damon gasped and held Liara's hand.

"Hey, now," Joseph said worriedly "What is happening?"

"I.. I don't know. I could sense something dark." Damon gasped out.

"Dark?" Joseph asked.

"I don't know." Damon said. He steadied himself as Liara had gently held his arm.

"I've got it. Don't worry." Damon whispered and slowly stood up properly.

He could still hear whispers too quiet for him to understand.

"Damon, can you try and explain what you sensed?" Joseph asked.

Damon shaked his head, "Sadly not. I can't really place it."

Joseph nodded "Okay but any of that crap and you tell me straight away."

"Got it." Damon said.

"Good," Joseph said "Now, I'm gonna go and get rid of that doctor and then I'll be back."

Damon nodded "Okay. If you need us,  then we'll probably be at the place before you get here, but we'll leave a note for you."

Joseph nodded "Good and what have you been eating?"

Damon rolled his eyes, "Seriously?"

"Yes." Joseph said.

"Bad bread." Liara said shyly, she moved to show Joseph the moulding bread in her bag.

"I actually am so close to killing your Damon." Joseph said.

"Hey!" Damon said. He threw his arms out.

"I packed the food. Damon didn't." Liara said shyly again. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Joseph stared at her then Damon, "I'll let you off. But on a different topic, Dad is still asleep. He won't wake up."

"But he woke up for me. You were there." Damon said.

"I know. I need you back at the castle after this to see if Dad wakes up." Joseph said.

Damon nodded, "Give me a couple of days and I'll come back."

Joseph clapped a hand on Damon's shoulder, "I'll be back by tomorrow."

"Okay." Damon said with a smile.

"If you find something that makes you go away from here. Leave a note to help me find you." Joseph ordered.

"You got it." Damon said and held his hand out to make a deal.

Joseph took the deal and brought Damon in for a hug before parting and allowing Damon to go back to a smiling Liara.

"Oh also when you get back we are gonna have a long discussion about this." Joseph said and waved to everything.

"Why?" Damon asked.

"Because this is just no." Joseph said.

Damon snorted "Alright."

"Okay see you in the morning." Joseph said and gestured for all the knights to leave with him.

"We need to move." Damon said. He and Liara started walking away.

"But Damon what happened?" Liara asked.

"What I felt, it was horrible and painful like I said I can't really place what I saw or felt but the whispers haven't stopped." Damon explained. He hastily started scribbling words on a blank piece of paper.

Liara nodded "Okay."

"Come on. I can feel how close we are." Damon said and held her hand.

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