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A spear-shaped pillar of ice rips through a blinding blanket of cirrus clouds at full speed, bringing with it a blistering gust of wind. The source of the icy attack is an enormous wyvern with skin the color of slate and its mouth agape, exposing an overbite of jagged, bone yellow teeth and a thick, frost-covered, hickory tongue.

With a focused, menacing stare from its glowing sapphire eyes, the beast readies itself to fire off another pillar at the village directly beneath it. However, before the dragon can release another blast, it is struck with a dynamic blow to its lower jaw, causing the deadly behemoth to turn sideways, reeling in pain. The deliverer of this crushing attack is a male of muscular build with black, neck-length dreadlocks, a scruffy beard of the same color and skin that's a shade or two darker than bronze. He's wearing a suit of platinum armor that shines with an intense brightness, seemingly reflecting off the cloudiness of the wintery sky.

The warrior's armor has crimson glyphs along both arms, running from the shoulders to the top of his hands, and is emblazoned on the chestplate with a crest that contains the image of a griffin holding a sword in one claw and a halberd in the other. This strikingly handsome and powerful warrior adeptly soars unaided through the brumal, afternoon sky, hooting and hollering like a maniac.




"Can you please calm yourself? It's not that crucial."

"Calm myself? I'M HAVING FUN!"

"Yeah, but you always get too hype during these moments. It's really cringey."

Delroy scoffs, "Whatever, Tandice. You're always a fuckin' spoilsport."

Tandice sighs, "You make it impossible to play online with you sometimes."

She grabs a large cup sitting next to her keyboard in order to take a sip of cola, but realizes that there is only ice. Although upset, she opts to suck on the straw anyway, making annoying noises as she strains to get whatever she can out. This slightly disturbs Delroy.

"Eh, log-off then if it bothers you that much. This game is how I unwind, and I'm not about to let you shit on my catharsis. Also, can you stop sucking on that damn straw? I can hear that noise all up in my ear. It's obvious there's nothing else in the fuckin' cup."

"Nigga what? I'm thirsty. Leave me the fuck alone."

"You're a fuckin' nuisance, Tanny."

"Proud to be. You can always take your headset off if it bothers you that much though," she declares, mocking him.

"I can see you've chosen violence…"

"Uh-huh. All day, everyday, nigga! Anyway, have fun trying to beat that damn dragon… without a Healer. Let me know how that works out for you. I'm logging off."


"Yes, really. I'm sick of your fuckin' attitude. Everytime we play, it's always the same shit."

"Yet, you keep coming back. Can't be too much of an issue," Delroy notes. He's struggling to continue with the game as his anger has begun brewing, waiting rather impatiently for Tandice to say or do something else he considers aggravating.

Tandice isn't the type to go around picking fights, which is why whenever she does speak her mind and stand up to Delroy, he has to make a mountain out of a molehill, thus inflaming and (oftentimes) convincing her that she's the problem. Even though it's always his intention to get her pissed off, it never ends well and Del is left more angry than she is. These confrontations are consistently a case of him having nice execution, but horrendous follow-through.

"It's only because if I didn't, you wouldn't have anybody. Truth is, I pity you, Del. You're a sad excuse for a human, and even poorer excuse for a gamer."

"Fuck you, Tandice! Go suck a fuckin' dick! Probably better at that than you are with healing anyway, especially judging by your actions with that straw currently."

"You're really gonna talk to me like that?! I'm your fuckin' sister, you asshole!"

Delroy snickers, "And you've always been a bitch. Ever since we were kids."

"I'm telling mom and dad!"

"See? There's that bitch-made shit you've always done. Snitchin'," Delroy shakes his head, grumbling. "Some things never change."

"FUCK YOU, DEL! BYE!" roars Tandice into the mic of her headset. She slams her hand hard on the Esc key, prompting a harsh, chiming sound to ring out.

"Awwww, Tanni-Wanni, don't be like that! You know I love you, sis, don't you love me?!" he replies, but Tandice doesn't respond to his hokey display of affection. She's had her fill of his melodrama. "Hello? Tanni?!"

Delroy looks at the screen, immediately incensed by the rectangular message box flashing in the bottom right corner.


"She really logged-off…," he grouses, tightly gripping his controller. "THIS FUCKIN' BITCH! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BEAT THIS DAMN THING NOW?! FUCK!"

Delroy hits the 'EXTRACTION' button, ending his session.

Powering down his game system, he tosses the controller and lays back on his bed, where he takes his pillow and places it atop his face. He screams into it so loud that you'd think his lungs would burst, uttering only one such word which perfectly encapsulates the feelings fomenting inside: "BIIIIIIIIITCH!"


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