Chapter 2: A Scrunkly Boy And Nighttime Activities

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Ignore my face, I decided Rowan needs to have a cat, so I used one of my cats, my scrunkly boy Patch and yes his tongue is always out just a little bit, it doesn't seem to fit in his mouth well.

That night, Rowan came back to the dorms just as the sun finished setting, wiping the flour and other shit from her hands onto her apron, she opened the door as Mal and Evie looked up at her confused, Rowan put her apron on her coat rack, waving to them.

"The hell did you even do?" Mal asked her, the two girls staring at the messy apron and just as messy girl.

Rowan had flour, eggs and chocolate on her skin, sleeves and hair, looking like she had a fight with a bakery, she looked a little sheepish at question.

"My mixer broke." She shrugged, heading into the shared bathroom to clean up, blinking when she heard them follow, their faces turning from bewilderment to mild entertained.

Rowan washed off her face and arms, before trying to get the rest out of her hair, blinking as she turned to the girls.

"Did I get it all?" She asked them, looking up at them, the two girls stared at her with amused smirks before Evie stepped up.

"Not quite, I'll help." She rasped out, moving to turn Rowan's head a bit and helping her wash out the baking stuff with the warm water Rowan had been using, the red haired girl just sat still, looking down at the water in the sink.

When Evie finished, she let Rowan stand up, allowing her to reach for her towel, drying her hair as the three walked back into the shared bedroom.

"Thank you." Rowan murmured to Evie, looking at her lap as she heard a knock on her door, causing a smile on her face as she hurried to the door, opening it one of the her parent's maids held a small pet carrier, passing it to her.

"How was he today?" Rowan asked, peeking through the carrier door, running her fingers through soft fur.

"He was still skittish with everyone, he missed you greatly though, he kept crying looking for you." The maid told her, smiling softly as Rowan held the carrier close.

"I will be back tomorrow morning before you leave for class to pick him up again." The maid nodded her head, backing up as Rowan smiled back at her.

"Thanks for watching him Maddie." Rowan thanked the older woman, the two nodding as they bid each other goodnight, Rowan closed the door, turning to see Evie and Mal staring at her strangly.

"What was that about?" Evie asked confused, both girls looking at the crate, a single pale greenish-amber eye staring back at them.

"And what is that?" Mal asked warily, making Rowan smile a little.

"This is Patch, he's harmless, just really timid." Rowan beamed, putting the crate down, unlatching the crate door, a small mew was heard from inside as Rowan pulled out a scruffy, very dark ginger/brown cat, who purred loudly at his owner's hold, butting his head into her chin a bit too harshly, making Rowan wince.

"It's like a very affectionate punch." She muttered, petting behind his ears, sharp claws digging into her shoulder's.

"He's so cute." Evie cooed, looking at the one eyed cat, who seemed to have a constant wide eyed look, his tongue poking out.

"He use to be a feral kitten, it took a year of feeding him just to be able to hold him, not long after that started he got hit by a car, the vet had said he might not make it at the time, but he pulled through." Rowan told them, moving to sit on her bed, the blue sheets wrinkling beneath her weight.

"They had to remove his right eye in the surgery, he got brain damage from it too, so he can't go outside anymore, it's too risky."  Rowan sighed, pressing a kiss to Patch's head, earning a purr and nuzzle in return.

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