The Over Protective PT.2 😊👍👍

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(3rd person POV)

Its been 2 months since Y/N have moved to south park, She got used to the way the boy's act and Y/N got to be her self.

 She got dressed to go to school, She got a light blue crop-top tee and baggy gray sweat pants and hooped earrings with her white bag that goes around her waist, she had her phone, airpods, pepper spray👹, a mini mirror, lip gloss, gum, she normally take her charger but she was in a rush because Cartman told her to come early so we can trash some houses, she curled her h/c hair and brushed her teeth.

She heard a knock on her door she went to open and met with warm green forest eyes, red slowly across her cheeks as she seen Kyle she calmed herself down and gave him a warm smile "Hey Y/N Cartman sent me to get you because you was taking to 'long'." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

 She rolled her eyes and walked out of the house locking the door behind her, Kyle and Y/N walked to the bus stop to meet with the others "FINNALY YOU TOOK FOREVER" Cartman said annoyed, Y/N looked at her phone to see the time "Its only 5:00 its very early and if you think I took to long then whatever a girl gotta do what she needa do" Cartman rolled his eyes and hugged Y/N "I hope this dirty jew didn't do anything dirty to you" Y/N rolled her eyes playfully but Kyle didn't like what Cartman said "What the fuck did I tell you about calling me that?!" He rolled his hands to fists, Kyle told Cartman if he called him a dirty jew again he will beat Cartmans ass, "I wish to see you try you Dirty jew" Cartman rolled his eyes. Kyle started to throw punches and Cartman also threw a couple also but you know Cartman be losing fights, Y/N and Kenny grabbed Cartman and Stan grabbed Kyle to break the fight up "YO! Its to early to be fighting! Lets just do what we was gonna do and be done with it!" Stan yelled Y/N looked at Cartman with a 'disappointed' look.


We trashed Craig house because he flipped me off and Cartman was pissed and then we trashed Scotts house for fun (NO HATE FOR NONE OF THEM I LOVE SCOTT AND CRAIG SM!!⚠️) Then Kyle wanted to crash down a house that Cartman agreed to, after we got done Cartman was evilly laughing and looked at Kyle "Who's house is this again?" He said through his laughs "Yours" Kyle smirked, I froze as I looked at the mess we done to Cartmans house, I ran over to the house and started cleaning it up with Cartman, HE WAS PISSEDD!!, Kenny helped but he only was helping just to see me bend over to grab trash, Cartman noticed and pushed Kenny away.

 We got done cleaning and I looked great still but Cartman in the other hand- yeah it didn't go well, I looked at my phone and seen the time "ITS 8:00! THE BUS WILL COME WE'LL BE LATE AND MISS THE BUS! HURRY GO BACK TO THE BUS STOP!" I yelled and we all ran to the bus stop, we made it to the bus stop and the bus was already there, we walked on while panting I looked over to my side and seen Bebe and Wendy sitting down with an extra seat next to them. I have them a little girly scream and jumped on them"HII!!!!" they both girly screamed with me while hugging each other "Now thats some real friends" Cartman smiled as he walked passed us "Yeah, something your not." Kyle sighed and rolled his eyes, Cartman ignored Kyle and sat down with Kenny while Stan and Kyle sat next to a seat beside the two. 

Wendy looked me up and down and smirked "Who you tryna impress?~" I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore her comment "Kyle" Bebe said, I looked at the two with blush a cross my face "Is not! I'm not impressing no one I'm just a fashionable girl" I said playfully said as I playfully crossed my arms "Not what you told us yesterday" Wendy smirked "You told us you think Kyle is hot and that he is your little ginger head" Bebe added, I widen my eyes and looked at Kyle if he heard, he didn't but someone worse did....CARTMAN.. he gave me a 'What the hell, man' look, I looked at Bebe and Wendy and hushed them and gave them a sign that Cartman heard them "Oh Bebe you said that" Wendy said trying to act like Bebe tried to blame things on me but it was true i did say that abt Kyle- "No uh I didnt say anything I was lying" Bebe said, I looked at Cartman he was whispering in Kenny's ear as they both looked at me Kenny had a 'wow!' look while Cartman had a 'up she did/said that' look, I nervously  smiled at them and waved but they just sat there staring at me

                                                                         ~TIME SKIP~

I was skipping math class because I didn't know anyone in that class and I was really bad at math, I seen Cartman and he noticed me he walked up to me and looked me straight in the eyes he looked pissed "I don't want you by Kyle anymore" he kept his eyes on mine "I- I- Wait-... What Why?" "Because I said so, I didn't like what I heard in the bus!" He balled his fists up, I gave him a traumatize look and he noticed it "I'm sorry but I just don't want anything  to hurt you.." I almost cried, CARTMAN IS SAYING SORRY? AND SAYING HE DONT WANT ME HURT? AWW. I nod and smiled as he hugged me and I hugged him back

                                               {ANOTHER TIME SKIP BECAUSE IM LAZY 🥸}

(Cartman POV)

It was lunch, Y/N gave Kenny her food because she was not hungry and because KENNY IS A BROKE BITCH! anyGAYS every time Kyle ask Y/N a question she'll just nod or shake her head no and if he was telling her something she will just listen with no reaction just listening emotionless, Kenny tried to get Y/N to talk with Kyle but with one try on asking Y/N to talk to him she boldly left and went with Clyde, Bebe, Stan, Wendy and started to talk with the girls with a smile as the two boys talked together.

 I looked at Kyle with smirk "I told you she wasn't into you" I chuckled EVILLY TEEHEE. He gave me a 'I know you up to something' look "You told her something didn't you? I know you are involved in this, Cartman" He put his hands into fists "And so what am I am? Or what if I am not in it? Let the girl be! She is my cousin not you fucking girlfriend" "Not yet.." I looked at Kenny "What?.." "She's not Kyle's girlfriend YET.." Kenny said.

I was frozen and looked at Kyle "What is he talking about?!" "I DON'T KNOW!" He yelled back, I rolled my fists up as hard as I can looking at my plate, I finished eating my food since eating makes me calm down....🐷🐷🐖

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                                                        IM SO LAZY SO IMA STOP IT HERE! 

                                    How far are you guys liking it?😙 Or am I doing bad😨?


                                                                                 BYE! ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

                                                                                 BYE! ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

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