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There was cries heard as a metallic figure shifted in what looked to be their bed

Inside the boy's head he was having a dream... a memory of something in the past


Young Izuku was walking away from his mom to play at a playground with Bakugo, Tsubasa, and Fingers hung out

Izuku: h-hey Kaachan, w-wait up!

Izuku yelled tripping on a rock and falling into a stream

Katsuki: I-IZUKU!

Katsuki ran down to Izuku and helped move him out of the stream

Katsuki: you ok Izuku?

Izuku: *cough* yeah *cough* I am K-Kaachan... w-what's that?

Izuku pointed to something falling from the sky like a meteor. Something that resembled a robot of some kind

Katsuki moved his hands up, getting into a protective stance, and blasted as hard as his quirk could for his age at the falling object only destroying part of it

Seeing it wasn't stopping, Izuku lept in front of Bakugo to take the hit... but the hit never came

Izuku looked up as nothing was there, but a drop of metal flinged into his mouth which he barely noticed

Katsuki: y-you... tried to save me?

Izuku: that's what friends are for r-right Kaachan?

Katsuki: .... yeah thanks Izuku, come on, we should get going!

The metallic figure woke up as an alarm played on his face

Izuku: I-I'M UP! Shoot. Who messed with the alarm- Kaachan! Damnit I'm gonna be late!

Izuku got himself ready quickly, and hugged his mom before leaving for school

Izuku ran as fast as he could without actually going fast. That would be using his quirk and that would be against the rules.

Izuku: getting thrown in jail wouldn't be as fun as following the rules

He pointed finger guns at no one in particular when he bumped into a crowd

He looked up and blinked as he saw a giant villain fighting Kamui Woods

Izuku: woah... that's so cool- ah!

Izuku looked at his phone seeing it was buzzing

Izuku picked it up as he heard yelling


Izuku: a-ah!

Izuku rushed slightly faster than before to get to class... five minutes late

Izuku: oh no... damnit Kaachan...

Katsuki chuckled a bit: hey Izuku, it's fine, your the highest scoring person in the class. A little late ain't gonna kill you

Izuku: ehe, I guess your right...

Teacher: so, today you students pick careers, awe who am I kidding, you all want to be heroes

The teacher threw up papers as he saw the other students use their quirks

Izuku shot a flag out of his arm saying hurray

Teacher: now now, let's not use our quirks in class ok

Katsuki just tcked as he looked away

Katsuki: don't lump me in with those bozos teach, I'm gonna become the number one hero here and no one, but nuts and bolts can stop me

The students all started to yell at Katsuki and then the teacher spoke up again

Teacher: ah yes, UA, right? As well as you Midoriya

Izuku: y-yeah, I hope to be the best hero that saves a lot of people!

Katsuki smiled as he went back to yelling back at other students

Later the day, Katsuki was walking with Izuku with Fingers and someone else

Katsuki: so Izuku... your gonna be a better hero then me? Even though your weak against my explosions, you still say your better then me?

Izuku: *sigh* I'm better at more long ish range Kaachan, but no, I'm not trying to be better than you. I'm trying to be better then myself

Katsuki: I know that, I'm just messing with you... where da hell did those extras go?

Izuku's screen immediately said danger as he turned around to see a slime monsters

Slime Villain: hey, don't be afraid. Im not a bad slime, I just want to see how good of a host you'll be~

It attached itself to Katsuki. Izuku tried his best to pry it off of him but couldn't, until


All Might sent a punch towards the slime Villain, destroying Izuku's head and torso and sending the villain flying

All Might is seen slapping Bakugo's face awake

Katsuki: A-All Might? W-wheres-

All Might: the villains? They are captured by yours truly. I'm about to hand them off to the police

Katsuki: wait, villains? But there was only- Izuku!

Katsuki ran over to Izuku as he was tied up in some rope still trying to remorphe himself

Katsuki: hey, this guy is my friend, he tried to help me

All Might: o-oh, my apologies young boy...

All Might broke the ropes of the binds, said sorry again. Then left as he was running late on his time in the form

Izuku soon woke up laying on the floor of his house

Izuku: hey, Kaachan, you brought me home?

Katsuki: yes, now by. I'll see ya later

Izuku chuckled as he got up and started cooking some food for his mom

(Gonna end that there so I can get through the entrance exam in one go, so... what's your opinion on this new story ((I am gonna try to continue my other ones, don't worry)) but again, thanks Bayley952 for allowing me to adopt this and continue with the great idea. See ya on the flipside)

More Power Then A Quirk Can Ever Give (Adopted Fic From @Bayley952)Where stories live. Discover now