Is it right to kill other robots?

555 18 11

Izuku woke up, stretched his robot limps even though it does nothing. And walked back into the kitchen to make breakfast for his mom

He had a small Flashback while making the eggs and bacon

Doctor: w-wow, hey kid... that's a cool... quirk you have... *whispers* and I'm not able to obtain it for some reason *talks normally* so, young Midoriya, let's see... you seem to have a robot quirk. You can change your hands to anything, sharp teeth, regeneration, and acid tail- AH! THE CHAIR!

Izuku: eh?

Inko fell other as Izuku accidentally stabbed her chair with his tail

Izuku: m-mom!

Inko: I'm alright honey, haha

Izuku started chuckling as well

Flashback over

Izuku: mom! Foods ready!

Inko: ah, thank you. You shouldn't have to do this for me...

Izuku: of course I do mom, it's the least I can do for my mom

Inko smiled as she hugged her son goodbye before he left to UA

Izuku ran up to meet Katsuki partway there

Izuku: hey Kaachan, are you ready to prove we can be heroes?

Katsuki: prove? We're built to be heroes, with our quirks well be the top pros in no time!

Izuku chuckled as they entered through the gate, but Izuku spaced out and tripped

????: w-woah, hang in there big guy

Izuku's hand was grabbed and brought back up as he stared back at a purple haired girl... but she looked...

Izuku: y-your... you have a robot quirk too?

????: y-yeah! Hey! What do you do? I can uh... make sick as hell rail guns!

Izuku: ooo~ I can do this!

Izuku swapped his hands for machine guns then back to normal hands

Uzi: awe, that's so sick... I want a fricking machine gun... my stupid rail gun takes time to charge... the names Uzi! Uzi To-

Katsuki: and we are late, come on Tin man, you can meet the Mrs later

Izuku's eyes formed blushes on his screen

Izuku: w-w-what are you talking about Kaachan?

Uzi then looked at them curiously but then got back to humming something

Izuku and Katsuki were answering tests as they were instructed, with them both getting decent scores

They are then seen in the pre-show to their actual test


Izuku: WOOOoooo?

Izuku started but then stopped when he realized no one else was doing it

Present Mic: great spirit kid, now. For your test, you kids have to destroy robots. We have the 1,2 and 3rd pointers

Izuku started to drown out the talking when he heard that it was robots they were destroying

Izuku: wait... I'm gonna destroy robots? Is there like a, like a morality thing to that?

Iida: AND YOU!

Izuku: m-me?

Iida: what are you supposed to be? Some type of robot, how is this supposed to be a hero when its a robot, robots can't think for themselves-

Izuku: H-HEY! I can think for myself, that's why I want to be a hero! And I not a robot! I-i mean I technically am. But it's my quirk, and if you have a problem. There's bound to be other people with quirks you won't like

Present Mic: ok ok, settle down kids, your fights not with each other but with

Izuku once again drowned out the voice of the loud mouth hero as he thought on how he would take on the robots

Was there a way to stop them without destroying them? Does he even have a way to do that with what he has...

Then he got an idea...

Izuku: that's it!

Katsuki: bolts! Come on! Get to your arena so I can beat you for crying out loud!

Izuku: A-ah! Ah crap!

Izuku said as he rushed to his area

In the area, he saw the same purple haired girl in front of him, so he walked up to talk to her, walking past the blue haired kid

Izuku: hey there, I wish you good luck ok!

Uzi turned to Izuku and smiled

Uzi: thanks, say, what was your name again?

Izuku: ah, its-

The doors then opened as he saw that the robots were starting to activate.

Readying himself, he quickly ran past a brunette as his arms turned into essentially rope as he tripped robots left and right leaving them operational, but unable to move

He was taking on a 3 pointer and tripped it over when it was punched by someone else having oil spill onto his face and some in his mouth

In the past, Izuku realized that he couldn't eat actual food, so instead he tried normal oil

But this wasn't normal oil... this was burning, fresh oil...

Something inside Izuku snapped right then

His hands turned from ropes, to claws, and wings sprouted from his back as he started to laugh

He lept up into the air and swan dived into multiple other robots terring them apart

He floated in air laughing before he was punched into a building by a zero pointer

A giant blast was fired at the zero pointer taking out its head

The proud Uzi cheered for herself... before realizing that the staff must have predicted something like this

A head was formed from the torso as the zero pointer went to attack Uzi, who screamed in fear

Izuku heard the scream, and out of his blood, no, oil lust, quickly ran to help the girl

Izuku: this was plan b if rope didn't work. H-hey Uzi, you might loose consciousness, ok

Uzi: what are you-

Izuku activated an emp from his hand making the zero pointer, Uzi, and any robots nearby to go offline

Izuku then acted fast and tried to make sure the giant robot stayed still not to fall on anyone or anything else

Present Mic: TIIIMES UP!

Izuku breathed a sigh of relief even though he doesn't breathe... and looked to Uzi

He picked her up, and took her to the nurse... and realized that she couldn't help them cause she's not prepared for robot quirks

Izuku groaned as he hoped, that he didn't go to overboard, as well as realizing that he has some more untapped power... but it seemed to have a price that costed him his mind

More Power Then A Quirk Can Ever Give (Adopted Fic From @Bayley952)Where stories live. Discover now