5. Breakfast

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My stomach grumbled loudly.

Didn't I just eat?

"Um... if you promise not to try anything. Okay"

"I promise. Follow me."

I followed him through the halls until I heard laughter and things falling over.

Price sighed and shook his head.

"These boys."

We entered the kitchen to find Johnny and Gaz fighting and Ghost watching them while sipping his tea.

"Boys. We have a guest. Behave yourselves."

Johnny an Gaz looked up and got to their feet.

"Hi YN! How'd you sleep?" Johnny asked.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh, we checked your ID to find where you lived to take you home but we thought that would be creepy so we brought you back here!" Johnny smiled.

A bit creepy still, but okay.

"I slept okay. A bit of a shock hit when I woke up but other than that, pretty good."

"Good to hear!"

"Soap, the pancake! They're burning!" Gaz shrieked and Johnny... or Soap ran to flip them.
"Why didn't you two flip them!?" Johnny hissed.

"I panicked..." Gaz said.

"I'm drinking tea." Ghost said and sipped his cup.

I smiled and Price pulled a chair out for me.

"Have a seat. Breakfast will be ready soon I hope."

I laughed and sat down.

Ghost stared at me and I looked away.

I could feel his eyes on me so I looked back at him with a smile.

"You don't want me here."

The room went quiet and everyone turned to look at me.

He raised an eyebrow and I went on.

"You don't want me on base. Probably because I'm not military. I'm right arent I?"

"I just think this isn't a hotel." He sipped his tea.

"And you're right. I'm sorry for intruding. I'll go."

"No, it's alright." Price stood up as I got to my feet.

I smiled.

"I'm not trying to make you all uncomfortable in the place you live." I took my keys and smiled.

"Thank you all for letting me sleep here safely. I have to go."

"You really don't have to go." Price followed me as I looked for my way out.

"One person uncomfortable is one to many."

"Then, why don't I take you out for breakfast?"

"Why would I have you spend money when you have breakfast here? I have to get home, but thank you so much for letting me stay here." I smiled and looked around for my car.

Price pointed it out and sighed.

"I hate to see you go like this. I'm sorry about Ghost. He's just... untrusting of people."

"That's alright. He has every right not to trust me. He doesn't know me." I opened my car and got in. "Thanks again."

He nodded and held the loops of his pants.

I turned the car on, closed the door and drove away.

What a strange interaction.

Now I want pancakes....

I drove home and showered, brushed my teeth  and let my hair down.

I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I'm pretty sure I should be shaken right now.

I was just alone with four men I meant at the strip club. No one knew where I was. I could have been hurt.

I closed my eyes and took a nap.

Price X Reader: Waitress Where stories live. Discover now