Chapter Twenty Two

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His footsteps echo through the mansion, he rolls his neck preparing himself to become a person he hates. He has to be void of any emotions and feelings, it's the only way to protect her. He turns the corner "My son has returned home to me" Voldemort announces to the small group sat around the table. They all look at Matteo as he makes his way to an empty chair. "If by returning, you mean summoning me. Than yes." Matteo says in a dry tone. "Leave" his father announces to the table, leaving the two of them alone. They sit in silence, his father staring at him...inspecting him like Matteo has a secret. "You're going to be a big brother" his father declares finally breaking the silence. Matteo could feel a crashing wave of dread...a baby. They were going to have another kid to fuck abuse..."Great" he says sarcastically. Voldemort's eyes narrow on his son, it took everything in Matteo to not squirm. "It's been months...." he trails off pausing for any sort of reaction. "Where is the girl?" he questions his son. Matteo rolls his head to the side looking at his father with hooded eyes. "She doesn't trust me yet." he barely gets out as his father slams his hands on the table standing. He leans closer towards Matteo. "You insolent child!" he seethes, his dark eyes feel like they are slicing though Matteo's heavy walls. "Nagini" he calls. His snake comes slithering up towards Matteo, he didn't dare move....didn't dare show weakness. He stood his ground narrowing his eyes at his fathers favorite pet. "You protected the Potter girl!" his voice rising again with the accusation. He moves from his spot at the head of the table, carefully walking towards Matteo. A crushing grasp digging into Matteo's shoulder. "My dear boy...." he leans down his face inches from Matteo's "Make no mistakes Matteo. I will find the Potter twins and when I do you will kill the girl." his voice a whisper of death. They stay like that in silence for a moment longer, letting his words seep in. "Your mother is expecting you." his digging grasp on his shoulder loosens before he walks off, Nagini following behind him. Matteo tried desperately to push the panic down. He could feel the shift in the manor, the chill running down his spine. The threat in his father's words, it was a promise. 

Emma takes in the Lovegood home, it looked like a giant chess rook. They enter the front yard through a broken down gate. They passed signs which read "Editor of the Quibbler" and "Pick your own Mistletoe" as they continued the zigzagged path up to the front door. Rolf popped into Emma's mind as she looked over the Lovegood's garden. So many odd plants like Dirigible plums and Snargaluff. He would find their home fascinating. The front door was thick and black, Hermione walked up the last few steps her hand finding the Eagle shaped knocker giving the door a few good knocks as the four of them waited. Mr. Lovegood opens the door, Emma noticed the look in his eyes. Something was wrong. "What is it? Who are you?" his greeting less than welcoming. "Hello Mr. Lovegood. I'm Harry Potter. We...we met a few months ago." recognition flashed on Lovegood's face. "Could we come in?" Emma asked. His eyes roaming over her face, after a few moments he nods his head letting the four of them inside. 

He leads them to a smaller room, more cluttered then the others they walked through. It was an entirely round room. There were piles of books and papers covering almost every surface. The ceiling was dotted with small delicately made modules of creatures that could flap their wings, or snap their jaws. Emma smiled to herself knowing she was right that Rolf would find a liking to the Lovegood home. Well not for the clutter but for the creature models and odd plants. Lovegood looks uncomfortable as he sits next to Harry and Emma, he takes small peaks at them from the corner of his eyes. 

"Where is Luna?" Hermione asks, this seemed to catch his attention as he quickly looked up at her. "Luna...she'll be along." he says. He was quiet an odd man, Emma thought. The five of them all take a sip of their tea in unison, Emma tried to keep her features from scrunching in disgust. "How can I help you?" He asked directing his uncomfortable stare at the twins. "Well, actually it was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding." Harry begins, Emma cutting him off "it was a symbol." she looks toward Mr. Lovegood. The man holds up the necklace looking at the both of them. "You mean this?" he questions them. "Yes" Harry answers touching the golden necklace. "That exactly. What we've wondered is...what is it?" Harry asks the man. "what is it?" Lovegood repeats. "Well it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course." he answers. "The what?" Harry, Hermione and Emma both say in confusion. "The Deathly Hallows. I assume you're all familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers." Lovegood says. "Yes" Hermione and Ron both answer him. Harry pinches his face together telling him no, while Emma shakes her head. Lovegood looking a bit shocked. "I have it in here." Hermione says as she rummages through her bag. 

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