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"Y/N table 7 needs its coffee" Yells the manager as he places today's cash into the janky register.

"I heard you," you say rolling your eyes, still standing at the chef's window waiting for the food to come out.


"Sir the hell am I supposed to do if the chef is taking too long?" You say now pissed off with honesty on how he is pushing you to make a miracle happen with the food. Like what are you supposed to do, cast a spell, and bam food comes out as his wish states as if you're a genie when in reality you're a waitress working at this shitty diner in the middle of god knows where Italy.

"Pedro Che diavolo ci vuole troppo tempo? (What the hell is taking too long?)" Now the manager says pushing you to the side standing in the window yelling at the cook.

Pedro doesn't pay the manager any mind as he cooks, but granted the manager hasn't noticed the headphones on Pedro's head meaning he can't hear his bitter statements.

"Damn it I should never hire a Spanish immigrant like him," The manager says walking to the doors near the kitchen. With no invite, he does into the kitchen and that's when you can hear the both of them start to argue.

"Mi scusi (excuse me)" you hear causing you to now not pay attention to the fight in the kitchen, turning your gaze at what looks like the table's 7 children. To be correct it's a teenage boy they look to be.

"Ah sorry, since we are super busy today food is taking a while, even so, what would you like for me to help you with?" You say with the best smile you can to the poor boy who was most likely sent here because of the food.

He looks kind of scared like a mouse to speak up first but then says "My parents and I are leaving so I am here to say please canceled our order for the food, they gave me the money to buy the drink though."

He hands you 300 lira (11.07 USD), before going back to his table where you see his family already up and walking out the door. It was at this moment you now know you are not getting that tip today.

A few hours goes by, it was about time you were going to go home. Before you can take off that apron that smells like a day's worth of food and coffee you still sadly have 15 minutes before clocking out.

You hear the door noise as you are cleaning up some tables, where from the looks of it, the manager places that person at table 6 which happened to be one of your tables. Quickly taking the dirty dishes to the back kitchen for the dishwashers to handle them you make your way back quickly to the table. You know you may not be able to serve that person fully, but the manager will get on you if you don't at least take the person's order. With Notepad in hand, pen the other you put on your smile before asking the same question for what seems like the millionth time "Salve signore (Hello there sir) what would you like to eat today?"

The man with a scar-cat-like reaction looks as if he was going to jump up before now quickly looking at you. This man looks youth as if he was more around the same age as the teenage boy from earlier but quite cute. He had simple purple pink light colored hair that was braided as it was a basket weaved by some beautiful woman, eyes that looks more bronze gold-like, and freckles on his face, yet he looks at you like he was caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Oh um-" he starts to say which was kinda cute in your option so you smile at him with a soft giggle under it.

He just looks at you, maybe because you basically laugh and maybe he took it as you laughing at him, but you quickly say "Sorry, do you need more time to look over the menu sir?" as you lean down over to point at the still close menu.

Now his face is turning pink color that you can see which makes you think, 'Do he thinks I am flirting with him?' so you quickly stand straight again.

"springtime lamb Per favore (Please)" The man finally says which causes you to raise an eyebrow but then understand what he meant.

Quickly writing down the order you then ask him "Anything you would like to drink?"

"Barolo," The man says which causes you to look at him bewildered before then laughing.

"Sorry I am sorry, but this diner doesn't have anything that high class, if you want I can get you just a normal glass of wine bought from down the street quality," you say after quickly calming yourself down where the man looks at you with an expression you can't read. Now that you are looking at him, the clothes he is wearing are quite expensive looking, high-class brands that only the rich can wear which makes you wonder why is a man wearing that here in a poor diner.

"I'll take that then" the man finally says and you hold your hand out to him which causes him to look at you now confused.

Realizing he doesn't understand why your hand is sticking out you finally say "Your ID, I need to make sure you're at least 18 years old to drink here"

Nodding his head the man reaches into his pocket and grabs a wallet, where when he opened it you can see the amount of cash he has which again makes you wonder why this man came to this diner. After a few seconds, he then hands you his ID and you pick it up to look at it closely. It's not a fake one you see, but his age it's "your 33?" you end up saying out loud.

With a shy smile, the man says "I am"

"Damn you look really good for a man in his 30s I thought you were closer to 15 years old, Mr. Doppio," you say handing his ID back into his hand.

"you don't mean that," The man you now know to be named Doppio says in a humble tone of voice.

"one thing I never do is lie, but even so would you like anything else mr-"

"please just call me Doppio, Ms-" he stops to read your name tag before ending that statement with "Ms. Y/N"

"bene (well) if that is all, Doppio, I will put your order in now so please hang on," You say now walking to the window and giving the chef the order.

Your manager still counting the money looking upset and you say to the chef who is close to the window "Pss hey make tables 6 order first"

"why?" Pedro asked.

"Because look at what he is wearing," You say moving to the side.

"Shit he is wearing name-brand shit," Pedro says shockingly.

"firstly you said shit two times, secondly, if My tip is high as hell I cut a bit with you," you say which causes Pedro to listen.

Pedro cooks Doppio's food first where you serve it still hot. With an odd look, Doppio looks at you to ask "How come my food came out this quick?"

With a smile, you say "You are my last customer of the day so I made sure you had your food before anyone here by making some deal with the chef"

"And that was?" Doppio asked almost curious as he cuts into his lamb.

"that will be a secret between me and the chef, but know I did it because I grew fond of you Doppio," you say now walking away from the table.

A few minutes go by and you come back to table 6 to see there is no one sitting there, hoping that Doppio didn't eat and left you walk closer to the table to see he paid 3000 lira (110~ USD) but the food was 1000 lira (37~ USD) meaning he gave you more then half the food cost as the tip. As promised, you do end up giving Pedro some of the tips, but you kept thinking to yourself with that station about how nice that man was to you.

If only you knew the whirlwind of pain that man will bring to your future.

The Devil doesn't Bargain (Yandere Diavolo X Y/N X Yandere Doppio Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now