Chapter 7

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I had spent the entire day walking about the library. After my clique's outburst yesterday, going back to class was taking a step in front of the firing squad and I wasn't about to risk another shot. So here I was, stacking books and wiping down the bookshelves on a Friday evening. Even the nerds seemed to have a plan for the night. It was better this way; an empty room full of books with no one to annoy me was just what I needed. Bianca had taken leave for the evening and I had been entirely ready to push her out. She had been slightly wary of leaving me alone but I just shrugged the idea away, after all, what would anyone want from an old place. Even the jocks stay away from this place.

I swivel in my seat and the music flows in to my ears, luckily I had brought along my iPod to keep me company. The library was bathed in an orange glow from the overhead lamps and to me; it looked like a huge ballroom just inviting me to dance. Resisting temptation, I swayed and bopped my head to the beat of Taylor Swift's new album only allowing myself to hum softly.

I grabbed ahold of a broom from the nearby closet and proceeded to sweep. But soon I couldn't keep my feelings at bay. Besides no one was present in this place and by goodness, the empty floor was ripe for the taking. How many people would ever have the chance of telling the story of dancing their heart out inside a library? Not many that was for sure. I pushed my chair back to flip the OPEN sign on the library doors to CLOSED and locked the door for good measure. It was close to closing time anyways and I'm sure Mrs. Turner wouldn't mind.

Oh, I love impulsive me, I think as I giggle. Almost as if God was directing me, a pumped up song came on. Taking one last glance at the closed door, I sang softly and let my hips move gently to the beat. I don't know whether it was the stress from yesterday's drama or the lack of sleep but to have Fall Out Boy beating against my eardrums, I let myself go.
"Oh screw it, I need this!" I say as I skip around my broom. Hips shaking, hair whipping and hands clumsily clapping to Young Volcanoes, lyrics and music just motivating me to dance harder.

Yah, it was probably the damn stress. Most people go to a club for this kind of relief and here I was like some sort of cave woman.

Could I blame this on a slight mental breakdown, I mean, what else could it be? I wasn't the sort of girl to be this loose even in my room. I was just glad Jack wasn't here to witness the entire atrocity, I couldn't have him joining me and embarrassing me even further. But I knew when Love Me Dead came on, all sense of decency was locked up.

I jumped on top the bench, and sang the insults with such a passion I could hear my pretend crown shistling and cheering me on. I lifted my hands up and swayed with eyes closed. Oh this was so relaxing, I should probably do this more often.

Maybe I could even stay back a few extra miunutes, running was nothing compared to this. My heart was beating rapidly and the guitar solo did nothing to lower my heart rate. I was true. I leaped down to the floor and with the grace, or so I thought, of a performer threw my hands the air but unfortunately I lost hold of my broom and it went clattering to the floor. I laughed loudly at that and without anymore feelings of restriction, I held my arms out wide and started to spin.

"You're born of a jackal!" I shouted to the ceiling and let out a maniacal laugh. Yes, yes, yes!

The feeling and song was so exhilarating, I just had to ignore the dizziness for a while longer.
I opened my eyes and saw a flash of blue. What? Another turn and I realized the flash of blue was a the T-shirt of person standing beside the bookcase. "Ah!" I screamed, losing my balance and tripped over my feet to fall to the floor.

"W-what are you doing here?" his features broke in to a smile that made me feel the heat creep up on my neck. "The library is closed." I say, making no move to stand up even though I knew it would at least save me some dignity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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