Chapter 6

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I didn’t know why I was feeling so nervous; it wasn’t like this was a high class job for an internationally renowned company. It wasn’t even up to the mark of the other jobs I had gone in to be interviewed.

Last night, after a tiny discussion with my parents, I decided to call up the number and a woman named Elyse picked up the call. Her sweet and bubbly voice had put my doubts regarding the job at ease as she chatted with me like I was an old friend and not a random nineteen year old girl. She cleared all my questions in the same happy tone and we had agreed for a small meeting after school today.

And that was how I had ended up on the doorstep of Ms. Elyse’s house, the doorbell already rung, as I waited in anticipation, nervously chewing on the skin of my thumb. I hadn’t had time to change in to decent looking clothes after class, allowing myself to hurry over in my almost faded hoodie, jeans that had tears at the knees and my same old trainers. I hissed in frustration at having forgotten to ask for a new pair but then if I got this job, I’m sure I could put aside a bit to buy a decent pair.

I rung the bell again but then chastised myself for giving off the impression that I was impatient. I really hope Ms. Elyse didn’t think too much in to it as I was. I turned around to look at the neat little lawn the family had, unlike its neighbours this garden was blossoming with dahlias and hibiscuses. The bushes were neatly trimmed and eggshells littered the soil beneath each.

Just as the door swung open behind me, I turned around and came to face a smiling woman. “Hello!” she beamed at me, “I’m Elyse.”She spoke in an accent that I found a little unfamiliar to place. She held the door wider for me to step in, “Come in, come in.” She moved to the side as I entered the warm little house.

I stepped in to the bright living room, its walls painted a sky blue that contrasted the cream doors and window panes. The furniture in her living room were mostly wood – cane sofas and armchairs, beautiful rosewood coffee table on top of a maroon carpet, a rosewood china cabinet in the corner that contained figurines and photo frames instead of designer plates that one usually saw in other houses, a TV on a simple table.

I sat down on the cane sofa, glad that the brightly coloured cushions were there, as Ms. Elyse returned to the room with a jug of juice, two glasses and some biscuits on a tray. “Thank you.” I smiled as she poured a glass for me and then took a seat on the cane chair opposite.

“I’m so glad we could meet!” she said warmly, her accent thick and rich. “You know, I have been looking for so long now!” She widened her eyes and clasped her hands as she said so. “My children…they are very smart but require constant supervision. I work as a nurse at the general hospital and I come home very tired.” She shook her head and took a sip of her juice.

Elyse leaned back and I could see exactly what she was talking about, not just from the way her fingers were rubbing on her temple but from the crinkled scrubs she still wore and the sneakers she was now removing without untying the shoe laces.

Elyse was a woman of small stature, shorter than me even and I was 5’3”. She had thick raven hair held up in a bun, which I might guess looked very ballerina like in the morning but was now matted with strands falling over her round face. She caught me looking and mouthed “I’m sorry,” with a smile, holding the very same brightness she had in her eyes when she first greeted me, a perfect distraction from the shadows nestled beneath them.

She pushed the shoes under her chair and straightened up in her chair, her smile still poised on her lips and I couldn’t help but liking this petite woman with an eye color that reminded me of worn out leather bound journal, each fleck of her iris filled to the brim with stories she could tell only if one asked.

Elyse cleared her throat to bring me out of my reverie, and I smiled sheepishly at having been caught staring. “I know you’re thinking at how burned out I look.” She lifted her legs on to her chair, tucking them underneath her. “But without working as hard as I do, I cannot make ends meet.” She sighed, rubbing her tired eyes.

I looked around at the tiny home that felt so much like a hearth, it was well kept, nothing about is said luxury but everything that adorned the room was either for comfort or as a memoranda. It was nothing like the houses of my friends; here in this room almost every item seemed to be handcrafted giving it this earthy kind of vibe, like each and every article in this room mattered.
I finished the rest of my juice and placed the glass carefully on the table, “If you accept the job, just coming over the weekends would be ideal. I am willing to pay you double for the tutoring and,” she coughed at that, her cheeks slightly reddening, “for babysitting my children.”

“Excuse me?” I leaned forward thinking that I had not heard her right.

“I work from the early morning on the weekends and only come back by evening. So would you mind looking after them too? I will you pay you the amount you desire.” She was wringing the end of her scrub, desperation quite evident in the trail of veins that stood out against her milk white hands.

“Ms. Elyse that won’t be necessary.” I bit down on my lip, this wasn’t the decision I wanted to make but I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. “Just the fee for tutoring will be enough.” I told her.

She looked at me with surprise, her mouth agape like she couldn’t hear what I was saying. But then she snapped to her senses, “No, no, anak, no…” she shook her head and came over to sit next to me. “You don’t have to pity me.”

“It’s not pity, Ms. Elyse. I want to do this, and it would give me something productive to do on the weekends.” I smiled at her in reassurance as I waited for her to finish gnawing on my decision.

She clasped my hands in hers and they were surprisingly  soft, “At least let me repay you by giving you dinner on the weekends?”

“Of course.” I grinned and laughed when she did.

“Thank you so much,” her accent was rich and thick, I noticed. The way the words curled over her tongue like she had a habit of softening each word before they left her mouth.  “You are a very kind and beautiful girl.” She had hands, between hers, pressed against her chest in gratitude.

“It’s alright…” I trailed, quite unsure how to react to such emotions. She hugged me tightly, and in spite of my nature, I hugged her back, knowing I needed a sincere hug very much.

so this was a little slow but trust me we need this chapter.  what do you think of Elyse?  by the way guys,  please comment what you like or do not like about the story.  Comment, like and vote please!


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