Chapter 42: One More Eel and One More Imbecile

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🐍One More Eel and One More Imbecile🐍

TW: SA, SH, and other materials that may not be appropriate for younger audiences and/or may trigger uneasiness for some audiences.


My senses woke up in an instant and made a flight reaction of pushing him. The hug broke as I sent my arms to him acting like a border between us.

I pierced a hold in my mouth. My brows raised while my eyelids became tensed. He held my arms like a carrier. His eyes were locked onto mine which I tried breaking many times. His expression went deafening making me understand his thoughts completely—like an open book. It caused my hearing to be impaired by the truth without even using a word.

"I-I love you...not as a friend." Even if he didn't clear his intentions with such phrases, I already knew what would happen.

And this can't be happening. This should not be happening. But then this would not be happening if I cleared things up with Sage in the first place.

A single tear left my eye but I quickly brushed it off. I slid further from Sage and positioned myself facing front. I felt heat and cold at the same time. My breathing became heavy and shaky.

"You can give your answer once you made up your mind or when you're ready. I-I can wait," he spoke as my breath trembled consistently. "This might be a little surprising for you," he added before chuckling. "but yeah, that's yeah. I have feelings for you. I didn't know it at first but you know it's just- I wanna hold you or even kiss you or even more-"

I looked at him with pity to myself and also pity for him. My expression set off a dazed look that wanted to cry. I tried taking a deep breath but my shaky throat made it rough.

"No," the wind whispered from my mouth.

"What? I can't hear you-"

"No...! You can't fall in love with me," My voice rammed into his words without any hesitations, rather from the pique of the moment. A few more tears left my eye as I rejected his gaze embarrassed of how I'd acted and hiding my eyes that started to swell. I finally breathed out one blockage in my throat. The expiration made my lips dry, and drier because of the tense atmosphere. I licked off the stress on my lips and fixed my gaze on my feet.

"What...? Why not?" He questioned with a half-suppressed laugh for each word. Then back to his downcast expression.

Something triggered inside my mind after what he asked. It made me look at him with a gaze that hid the knives that he owned in the first place.

"Why...not?" I repeated what he said bringing his question to himself. It sounded like I'd just experienced a letdown that furiously hid the anger behind me. "Why not? Oh, my God, Sage. Why not?" I trembled with the emotions I'd never asked to feel.

"You're the one who said to never fall in love with each other! To never fall in love with you! To never fall in love with me! The one who said Don't fall in love with me because we're best friends." mockingly, "and that is right after I came out to you saying "Uhm, Sage? I've been keeping this secret a long time now and I think that I would be relief if you are the first person to know" was freaking CRINGE...I felt hurt, obviously, but that healed faster than your delusions." My mouth was whining like a lawless person.

"I even hired ten more people to count how many times you've said, "Don't fall in love with me" and it was tiring, but you know what? I cast it off and forgot about it, suppressing my shame inside my rotting rainbow core. And look back, we were best friends. So now? What, now? What now that you've confessed that you have something for me? Which you knew!" I slowly whimpered the last sentences. I let out a cry but still tried to look strong and self-composed. My vision started flooding with tears I couldn't contain any further. Some drip off my chin and some I wiped away with my clothes.

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