Chapter Two; Logan

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I saw her in my dreams again, the girl I have known for most of my life. She was smiling and running through the meadow at the back of her house, wearing the flower I had picked for her in a braid. I wanted the moment to last forever, to let the sun bask us in its light. I wanted to keep that summer evening going until the fireflies came out and filled the sky...

The dream is soon broken by...someone. I don't know who. I'm terrible at remembering names. A hand slides across my naked thigh, brushes against my little trooper, continuing up and over my chest. Cracking one eye open, I see a redhead smiling seductively at me, her breasts a few inches from my face. I bring my hand up to rub the sleep from my eyes, my head feeling like it's going to explode. She cups my manhood in one slender hand. I'm really not in the mood this morning, at least with her. Waking up to her, stunning as she is, is not the same as waking up next to the person I was just dreaming about. I can't even tell you how I got this recent addition into my bed. I really need to start cutting back on the alcohol. I never usually let them stay the night in my bed.

"What's wrong, baby?" she purrs, her voice cutting through my thoughts.

I frown up at her, lifting her off me and putting her on the other side of the bed. Her eye makeup is a complete mess. She has all that black shit stuck in the corner of her hazel eyes. As I move to get up, another hand snakes out and wraps itself around my bicep. What the fuck?! As if the first bombshell wasn't enough, her twin appears from beside me, a similar predatory grin on her face. I feel like a slab of meat that's been thrown into a den with two hungry lionesses. I had twins last night and I can't even remember it? I am too bummed out to play right now. There is something seriously wrong with me. I should seek professional help as soon as possible. Their smiles are fake as they try begging me to stay in bed. I shake free from their grasp and bolt out the bedroom in a naked flash, my hand going to my temples where my hangover buzzes and gnaws at me.

"Dude, put some fucking clothes on. The last thing I wanna be looking at while having my breakfast is your fucking junk."

I squint over at Sam, the sunlight shining in through the windows momentarily blinding me. I look down, shrug my shoulders, and go back into the bedroom, flicking the light switch on. The twins let out a happy squeal of glee as I walk further into the room, spotting my jeans on the floor by the bed. I snatch them up and quickly pull them on.

"Ah...listen, girls. Last night was,, I'm sure. But you're gonna have to leave because I got a lot of shit to do." I watch as their smiles fade away, getting replaced with a dark look.

It happens every fucking time. They think just because they sleep with me, I'm going to want to keep them around. I scratch my head, still trying to pull up some memory of last night, but the last thing I remember is Sam handing out the shots. Why does that bastard never end up with a monster hangover?

"What? You're just gonna kick us out? No morning...parting gift?"

I ignored the purposeful pause as one of the girls pouts at me. I shrug. "Sure. I'll call you a taxi," I say, slipping out of the bedroom. Sam smirks over at me, saluting me with his glass containing that green healthy shit.

I walk over to the kitchen counter and rest my arms on it, cradling my head. I need to try calling Mac again. I get the feeling she's deliberately avoiding my calls, and that thought is driving me insane. "Ah, fuck," I groan.

Sam grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge and slides it across the counter to me. I pick it up and roll the cool bottle across my forehead, relishing in the cool condensation. Unscrewing the cap, I drink half the bottle before screwing the cap back on. I turn my attention back to Sam, who's sitting casually on a kitchen stool and tapping away on his cell phone. As if sensing me watching, he tucks his phone into his pocket and stands up.

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