Good friends, bad people

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Your best friend might be a horrible person. You know, the kind of person who is only nice to their friends.
The best people around you could also be horrible friends. A good friend is loyal, understanding, forgiving, etc. A nice and kind person who helps everyone might not have the qualities to be a good friend.
This dilemma poses problems. Are there any good people out there who are also good friends? Are these good people genuine or are they just being nice to keep you around?
I don't think I've ever had a good friendship with genuinely good people. I think the problem is me in that scenario. I don't trust people who are overly nice. What are you hiding under the ten pounds of sugar?
I have become friends with a lot of bad people though. People who ignore, people who think they are better than everyone, people who are rude for no reason—you name it, I've probably seen it.
Is it possible to be both? That is the question. Let's set aside our friends for a second. Let's not analyze then right now. Focus on ourselves—are we good people and good friends?
I have probably hurt people before. I don't forgive easily. Every mistake sticks to my brain and just doesn't let go. I have never left a person on read or delivered. I always reply to people even if I don't like them. I don't mind initiating conversations with long lost friends. So, I think I'm mediocre in both aspects.
I think people who are online or on their phone all the time but actively choose to not respond to their friends are the epitome of Good Person, Bad Friend. Okay, maybe not necessarily "good". I get it if people don't like talking all the time. I understand better than anyone if they need space. But, leaving a person on read for months without an explanation is where I draw the line. That's when I hop on the train and leave. Self-respect is a necessity. Save it, protect it, and conquer it.
Don't be the friend who makes people feel worthless. Don't be the person who makes people feel inferior. It's that simple to stay in the mediocrity. Balance out the good and the bad because as I said before, it's almost impossible to be truly good. We can always try though.

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