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"Ah!" Inside the Satrova's secret mansion, not so loud shouts of Axela could be heard.

"What now my lady do you give up?" Vedric looked into Axela's eyes.

Axela spit out her blood before even answering him.

"Is this all you can do?" Axela teased him which gave him the urge to torture her more.

Vedric looked at his men and signal him to torture Axela more and that's what they do, punch by punch, lash by lash Axela still was standing up as both her hands were locked on each corner of the room locked by big chains and large locks.

Axela bared all the pain she was felt no tears can be seen in her face other than sweat from the humidity of the room she was in.

"Keep on doing it" Vedric went out of the room while one of his men followed him outside.

"Are we gonna kill her?" His men asked.

"No, if she dies we all die understand" His man nodded.

"Will just give her the taste of revenge" Vedric laughed to what he said.

When the four men who has been torturing Axela finally got tired, they left Axela and when she was alone that's when her knees gave up. Breathing heavily and fast Axela did not felt the pain yet she felt the anger, because of so much anger she shed tears.

HOUR went by Axela managed to get herself to fall asleep, she slept to regain energy and to rest from all the beating she had received.

As Axela was sleeping she was awoken by a loud bang. She saw Vedric's men brought a tray with food.

"Eat" They commanded her. Axela then raised her brows at them.

"How? Can't you see I'm chained up" Axela said.

"Oh yeah, Kim bring me the keys" He commanded another men.

"Don't get fooled by her, just feed her that will lessen the chances she will get away even though it already is impossible to get away here." The Kim man said.

Axela wanted to trick them but she knew they were not that easy to trick because of that it made her grin. Dark plans were in Axela's mind.

"Oh yeah" The naïve man went close to Axela with the tray of food.

"Eat" He commanded Axela, yet Axela did not listened and stayed quiet.

"I said eat" He was getting annoyed this time buts still Axela did not follow.

"Fine then don't eat you'll die from starvation" After that Axela was left alone again, the next days Axela was still refusing food. After hours of being beaten Axela had the courage to escape.

Axela was trained specifically for times like this, just like what his trainer taught her she was able to free from the locks of the chains in her arms in less than 3 minutes.

Slowly Axela opened the door and to her fortune there was only one men of Satrova's guarding her, in just a blink of an eye Axela managed to twist the neck of the men killing him instantly without any noise.

And just by that after minutes of roaming around the mansion carefully, Axela managed to escape.

Axela walked and walked for hours until she finally got a chance to encounter a car passing by.

"Help" Axela asked for help, the car stopped in front of her. The driver went out and was surprised to see a young lady covered in blood and wounds.

"Oh my god, Jenifer call the ambulance!" The man shouted to his wife who was still at the passenger seat.

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