Part 🎶✨Eight✨🎶

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-loud drumming noises- "🎶My love has got no money, he's got his strong beliefs my love has got no power he's got his strong beliefs
my love has got no fame he's got his strong beliefs my love has got no money he's got his strong beliefs,
Want more and more people just want more and more freedom and love, what's he's looking for want more and more, people just want more and more, freedom and love, what he's looking for,
Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire, mind and senses purified
Freed from desire🎶"
-Loud bag from the drums-

"🎶✨ nA-Na-nA-Na-nA, Na-nA, Na-nA-Na-nA-Na-nA-Na-nA, Na-nA, Na-nA-Na, - ✨🎶"

"What the fuck is going on?!" "This this little shit thinks it's fine to play the drums at four in the fucking morning I thought you were the hyperactive one" "ohoo Mate you got yourself a girlfriend that's pisssed offff"

Everyone stared at Blaise sat in the middle of the two stairs with a drum kit set up playing a song.

"How do you even know that song anyway?" Harry asked as he was tired like everyone else
"What it came with the drums?, I was finding the best tune to play it in, I thought I put a silencing charm around it" "well Blaise mate you clearly broke through the charm" "No shit Malfoy did you wonder why we could all here it" "piss off Granger go back to wall cat"

"I SWEAR TO FUCKING MERLIN DON'T YOU DAREE PLAY THESE FUCKING THINGS IN THE MORNING, EVER AGAIN!!"Ginny shouted stomping down the stairs "Ooooh someone woke up with an attitude didn't they" Theo said striding back to his room.
She turned around with anger across her face to stare at Theo, as she did everyone had ran into their rooms some of them snickering and some just not wanting to get shouted at.

"Oh shit" "RUn THeO!!" "Ohhhh no you don't get to cheer him on" Ginny grabbed Blaise by his shirt and dragged him up the stairs to Theo and Luna's room "oww OWW SHE's PULLING ME BY MY EAR!!" "Bye Theo!" "WHAt.....AAAHHHhH FUCK!!" "Please don't do that to me please don't Ginny..." she was stood side ways to him and he wrapped an arm around her waist and on round her head

"Please don't throw me off the balcony too" she huffed and tried to get out of his grip he took his hand off her and put them up "please don't I'd like to keep my bones unbroken" Ginny looked ready to kill and Blaise didn't know what to do to make her not shove him off the balcony too.

He put his hand back round her waist as she was not facing him put his hand in her hair lent down a bit and kissed her.

She stood for a second bewildered before kissing him back.
It was only a few second that the kiss lasted for but when they came apart her face went bright red and she sunk her face into his chest and screamed a muffle scream.
"Does this mean I'm not getting thrown?" He questioned She answered with a nod into his chest still screaming

"Aww what a lovely sight to see" Blaise turned his head to the floor seeing that Theo was laid on his back smiling at them "Couldn't have done that before I was thrown into the common room?" He rolled his eyes at Theo and chuckled shaking his head.

Blaise looked down at Ginny "why don't you go back to sleep, I promise I won't play the drums till later, I mean I won't be able to now I'll be taking the thing on the floor to the hospital wing...Mabye" she didn't know what to say to him so Ginny took her head out of his chest and hugged him for a second before walking back into their room.

"I don't think I was supposed to watch any of that" a voice was heard it was Luna sat on the bed of her and Theo's room as the door was left open "can someone please help me now?!" "Shut up Hyper" Blaise looked down at Theo before laughing and walking down the stairs to take him to the hospital wing.


"Ok why have all my Guy friends left me?" Draco spoke as he was in the common room with Pansy, Daphne, Astoria and Luna
"I'm your friend?"
"You have guy friends" he shot a glare at Pansy before turning to Luna "sure lovegood, your with Theo anyway"
"So where are your 'Guy friends' I want to meet them"
"Why don't you go fuck Potter that'll shut you up"

"And why do you keep saying it as if you haven't met Blaise, Theo or the rest?" "Are they really guy friends, I literally watched Theo dress up in Daphnes uniform and walk around the common room going past Blaise, crabbe and terry boot saying 'oh now you can hush up you ridiculous fellows, kiss my arse or I'll kiss my own' then blows a kiss at them, if you think that's a guy friend sure but we're still putting makeup on him at the weekends" "well shit, When did this happen again" "oh he does this religiously every Tuesday"

"So that's why he won't go to the quidditch pitch with me if I'm bored on a Tuesday" "How come people call me loony?, if this is what you all are like you'd think nargles would sound quite real to those who don't believe they are here" "I agree with lovegood she's stuck with Hyper" "course you would Daph, course you would" she smiled at Draco after he said this obviously to just annoy him.

"Who is Hyper?" "Theo's Hyper we call him that because he's very and when I say very I mean verrrrrry-" "don't over exaggerated pans" "right yeah sure Draco, but anyway he's very hyperactive and sometimes won't shut up"

"Though he seems to when your around" they looked at Astoria who had said that then to Luna "what do you think he doesn't like me, or that wackspurts are getting to his head" "no none of them-"
"Then what?" "He likes you lovegood, and this is the quickest I've ever seen him like someone"

"Hm..What?" "Draco we're you even listening?" "No I wanna know how Blaise made the toast"
At this Pansy smacked her hand on her forehead "you 3 live off one brain cell"

"Hermione!" "Oh, hi Luna" Draco scoffed at her entrance to the room "where are you going?" "To the library?, why" "could I come with you" "sure, Luna" Luna followed Hermione out of the tower and to the library.

"So todays ✨Friday✨ which means, the game is back" "ooh yey I love 'drink the truth'" Draco said in a sarcastic way "Drake the only reason you hate it is because you talk in your sleep after it" "well that's a good reason to hate it, am I correct Tori?" "Don't look at me I don't even want to be in this common room, but some people thought otherwise" she gave a glare to Pansy and Daphne "Trust me if I knew before that I had to share a room with weasel I would have stayed with you"
"Yeah, well now I'm here in the same room as longbottom, because our room has been given to the sixth years"

"So we can't even go back to our old room?" "-no.-" everyone said in unison.

"That's just unfair, why did the sixth years get it already."
They all shrugged at her and continued to talk.

19th September

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