Chapter 3. Successor.

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"Iruma, is it?" The voice called out, and I looked back. The voice came from the tall figure from before, the one standing over me with a dark gloom on his face. I swiftly hid under the bed again. The tall man didn't utter a word, and slowly aproached the bed. He then kneeled down to try and take a look at me, so I moved back a bit more.

The man now stared straight into my eyes. "There's no need to be afraid. I won't hurt you." The man said. I again, didn't believe it. He allowed the red haired to hurt me, maybe even ordered him to do so. I stared at him, not saying a thing. He chuckeled at me, a slight smile on his face as he looked at me.

"W-why do you know my name..?" I asked, stuttering over my words. Every muscle in my body was telling me to run away, and my chest was filled with anxiety, but I stood strong, for my sake atleast.

"Oh, your name?" The man asked himself. "Well thats very easy you see. The tent had your name written on the label." He said, smiling softly. He looked like a nice person, but you never knew for sure with these kind of people. "Oh.." I responded.

Its not easy living on the streets, your food might get stolen, if not your home. I had a tent before, one that looked nicer and was bigger, I worked very hard for it. But one day
someone came by and just took it. I wanted to fight back for it, but didn't. So with the next tent I got I wrote my name on it, in the hope people wouldn't take it, wich actually sort of worked.

The man continued to look at me before talking again. "My name is Sullivan, but you can call me Don. And as you can probably tell I'm the boss around here." The man began, while I tried getting even further away. "I feel I have to thank you." He then said wich peaked my intrest and made me stop. Thank me? For what?

"I was roaming around the halls to search for Opera when I heard you and him talking trough the door together. I heard you were the one who bandaged Kalego up, so thank you." He said, smiling at me with a calm look. I stared back at him, a little more comfortable around this man called Sullivan.

I continued to stare at him. I was still afraid, this was a boss, a maffia boss. A thank you won't help me if he wants me dead. Who knows what intentions he has?

"I have a question for you." He said, looking at me again. "Why were you living in that tent?" He asked, his smile gone. I took a while before answering. This was personal and not something I wanted to talk about. It hurt. "Because its my house." I just said, not wanting to talk about it with a dangerous stranger. The man nodded at me as if he understood, but I doubt that.

Under the bed it was uncomfortable, my legs and torso were cramped and I was hungry. I shifted slightly every so often, and it seems the Don person noticed I was uncomfortable. "You can come from under the bed if you'd like." He said, smiling. "I won't hurt you."

For a moment I wanted to get out, but then I hesitated. I didn't know him. I don't know why he makes me feel safe around him with his smile. He was probably just being nice, but he probably isn't a nice person. I don't think you could be a maffia leader if you were.

"I could make you some food and we could have a chat." The man continued, trying to make me leave the bed, but I resisted. Im not going to come out if hes still here. Maybe when only the Opera person is in this room but probably not.

The man sighed before slowly standing up. "Well, it seems that you are very determined to stay under the bed." He said to me. "Thats fine with me, we will talk another time, no need to rush. Also, you know what to do, right Opera? The knives are in the kitchen, take care of him." He said, before walking to the door.

"Wait.." I mumbled from underneath the bed. The tall man turned around to look at me.

"Why am I here?" I asked quietly before he would leave me with the red haired man. It was a question that had been on my mind the whole time. Why am I here? They took me to a place that I don't know, with people I don't know. This isn't something you do to thank someone, so why am I here? I just want to go home. Even in that cold broken tent I feel safer than here.

The man turned around, back to the bed so he could look me in the eyes. He smiled sightly and spoke.

"Because you, Iruma, are here to be my next successor."




Hi there!! Update is here early! Just wanted to say that every 2 weeks an update is guaranteed and that ever week theres a chance to get one.

Other that that, no notices. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and ill see you next week!!

--13 september

The Maffia War AU Mairimashita Iruma Kun Where stories live. Discover now