Part 8

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Author's pov

Next day

The birds chirped as the sun was shining high in the sky, making him scrunch his nose as the sun rays fell directly on his face from the open windows. He groaned as his peaceful sleep was ruined.

He hugged the pillow back, but it didn't actually feel like his pillow. He opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful face in his life. He was sleeping on his wife's shoulder, hugging her close, and an arm securely wrapped around her waist.

The pillow which was put between them was long gone and now they were cuddled up all night. The thought itself made the man blush. How badly he wanted this to come true in his life.

"Fck." He mumbled, getting his senses back. He can't just do such things and make you feel uncomfortable
He took his hand from your waist and silently went to the bathroom for his morning routine.

Little did he know that his sleeping wife wasn't actually sleeping. You had woken up before him but couldn't stand up from the bed because the muscular bunny was tightly holding on to you like if he let go of you you ain't coming back to him.
Your cheeks were red due to the intense closeness between you both. You stared at your figure in the mirror and it won't be a lie if you would say that you got the best sleep ever in your life. Baggy dark eyes, dull face, messy hair, these were no more on you. You felt like getting a facial which made you glow.

Jungkook was back in the room, dressed casually. "Good morning." He spoke, flashing his vibrant bunny smile. You internally cooed at the man and replied him with a "good morning".

" Freshen up, we will have breakfast together. " He spoke and went to do some other work. Nodding at his words, you walked towards the bathroom and did your morning routine. The whole bathroom was smelling vanilla because of his body wash.

The smell was pleasant, and this remindede you of last night when he was too close to you, it was the same smell. Taking a bath and getting dressed you made your way downstairs.

Jungkook was already seated on one of the chairs in the dining room. Sensing youyou behind he motioned to take a seat beside him. He served you and himself. "Did you make this? " You asked, eyes widened at the homely taste of the food.

"Is it bad? " He questions back, thinking the food isn't tasty. "Noo, it's too good. " You spoke, mouth full of the pancakes he made. He chuklea lowly at the sight. As the silence once again engulfed the room, you both ate your breakfast.

While having your breakfast bith of your phones ringed at the same time. Seeing the caller, it was no other than your own parents. Chuckling at the sight, he picked up the call and so did you.

Your mother spoke up and started asking about random things. You replied to her with just hmm and yes as answers. He walked out of the kitchen taking the call and giving you some privacy.

Your dad also spoke to you and exchanged a few words. It was maybe the first time you had talked to him on a call, because you didn't remember when was the last time you both even had a proper conversation.

After half an hour later she hung up the call, and you sighed feeling tired with just a phone call. Your life has totally changed after you got married, and in a good way. It was a relief after talking to your parents.

You glanced in the living room, and Jungkook was still on the call, talking with his parents. Finishing your breakfast you cleaned the dishes and the counter. Then you walked upstairs as you had nothing to do.

You wanted to talk to him about your job, because you were in no thought of leaving it. Hope he didn't have any problem with that. Being a doctor was your dream, you can't just leave it in the middle because of this marriage.

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