Part 13

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Author's pov

You both were currently standing under a tree, which was barely protecting you from the rain. You shivered once again, feeling the cold air which passed against your drenched body. Your whole night dress was wet and it was making it harder for you to not to feel cold.

Jungkook was standing in front of you, trying to shield you from the dropping rain. "You'll get a fever, stand beside me." You mumbled, looking at his glistening face. "I'm strong enough to protect you from this rain." He replies, smiling widely.

There were some large mosquitoes too, which were biting you both. "I really should have checked the weather forecast today." He mumbles, sadness dropping from his eyes.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." You caressed his hands. He kept looking at your face, which shined with the brightness of the moon, the luscious lips he tasted some moments ago, he would like to get drunk on them again and again till his last breath. He kept staring and staring, until he felt someone calling out his name.

"Jungkook? Are you okay? " His face turned red, he was caught staring at you. "Ab.. I'm fine." "Let's go, the rain has stopped." He looks back, realizes that the sky is clear now. For a couple of minutes, you both take  time to dry yourselves out. Sitting in the car all wet isn't possible.

You both got in the car once feeling better. The car ride was going to take a lot of time  because of the rain. The weather was quite chilly, as you felt yourself shivering. He looks at you first, then takes his overcoat which was placed on the back seat, passing it to you.

"Take this, it'll help you keep warm." Taking that coat, you put it on yourself. It made you feel warm. Was it because of the coat, or his scent lingering over it? You didn't know which one it was, but it was blissful.

You closed up the window, and turned your back to its side. Taking your legs up over the seat, you sat comfortably on the seat, covering your whole body with his scent. It was your turn to admire the person driving the car.

He looked so ethereal, with the moon rays falling over his face, making him look bright and shiny. Unknowingly, you leaned over the seat, remembering the kiss. You had been wondering about kissing him for the past days, and it came out true tonight.

You looked at his lips, the metal piercing which looked so lickable right now. It tasted something while kissing him. The metallic taste of it gave a pleasurable satisfaction.

He looks at you with his side eyes, smirking. "So what tastes better? My lips or this piercing?" The raspy voice came in contact with your ears, the sensitivity rushed through all the parts of your body, giving you goosebumps.

"I think that I need to taste them once again, just to confirm if my answer is correct! "  The last string of his sanity was pulled, and he coughed choking on his own saliva. He has a long way to go to understand the real devil hiding behind this beauty. The y/n he knew back then wasn't like this, she was all silent but expressive. You have changed quite a lot, he has missed many things in his life he still has to be known for.

He didn't have the courage to look up at your face, or speak anything now. He just focuses himself on driving or else he knows that things will be beyond their limits if he tries more than this, which might you both regret later.

Your eyelids feel heavy, and you drown  yourself in sleep. It didn't take much time for him to realize you were asleep by now, he drives at a rather calm speed, not to disturb the sleeping beauty.

Soon the journey ended. He stops his car in front of the gate, and looks at your sleeping figure. He thought of waking you up, but forbids doing that. Walking out of the car first, he turns towards your side. Pulling you out in the bridal style, he locks the car door with his leg and walks further towards the room.

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