The Return

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 Winter is ending, Hopper has escaped death. He drapes himself with a cloak made out of leaves as he enters the city. Reports of a raiding party of rogue grasshoppers have floated through the city, leaving vendors robbed of their food. Hopper sees one of the vendors devastated, collecting what's left of his food. Hopper hides in the shadows as he watches the vendor go into a back alley. It's a shield bug, wheeling a barrow of fruits, a rare oddity. Hopper observes on a rooftop, seeing that the vendor is meeting with the President, for the president was robbed too. He dispatched soldiers on the scent trails of the grasshopper gang. The president was getting an update from the vendor on how things were going.

Hopper learned that the fruit seller was just a government official in disguise. This was a perfect place for Hopper to execute his plan. Hopper threw a pebble he was holding at the entrance of the alley. The official turned around to investigate it, leaving the president protected against the wall. Little did they both know that there was Hopper, lurking on the rooftops with a vicious weapon. Hopper leaped down discretely, the grace of a grasshopper, beside the president. Before the president could utter a cry for help, Hopper assassinated him with a sharp chitin blade attached to his wrist. The vendor came back and Hopper held the president up in front of him, making him look like he was alive.

"False alarm sir, no one is behind us." He concluded confidently.

There was a snicker from behind the president's corpse. Then Hopper threw the president's corpse at the vendor, crushing him underneath the weight.

"ASSASSIN! The president's been kill—" Hopper disposed of the noisy undercover official quickly. He beheaded the president and took his head as a trophy. He threw it into the fruit barrow and lifted off into the night sky, not before he hid the bodies of course. Hopper followed his gang's scent trail, it was faint, but it was still there.

The trail led to the straw hat bar that he and his gang would hang out, he was surprised they still hid out in there. But only this time it was being invaded by soldiers from the city, unknowing that their president has died.

Hopper flew in through the top, observing his men being attacked on all sides. They were attempting to barricade the soldiers outside. But the soldiers were termites who chewed their way in, no matter the costs. Filled with anger, Hopper flew out of the straw hat behind enemy lines. He landed on a tree and tried to spot the General of the army giving orders. He spotted him, and pulled out another one of his new weapons: a wooden sniper. Hopper loaded it with a sharpened twig with a leaf attached to the end for maneuverability. He took aim down the scope and pulled the trigger, earning himself a headshot on the General right on the dot.

The army was in disarray, no longer receiving scent pheromones from their General. This gave Hopper the advantage to dive towards their blindspot. He impaled one soldier on his wrist blade, and then another on his other wrist blade. The grasshoppers and soldiers took notice of this mysterious cloaked figure, seemingly taking on the army by himself. Soldiers attempted to pile on top of Hopper, biting him with their mandibles. In pain, Hopper kicked one off with his powerful leg, then stabbed another, and another, kicked another. He was fuelled by bloodshed. The other grasshoppers joined in, gaining some sort of confidence in this shadowy figure.

Eventually after 15 minutes, the termite army was in retreat. But Hopper stopped the retreating troops, flying over and grabbing the president's head and the fruit barrow from the tree. Hopper's gang watched in awe as well as the termites who pleaded mercy. Hopper removed his cloak in front of everyone as the sun rose above the crowd. His gang gasped as the saw the scarred and incredibly tall grasshopper, his wings draping over him like a trench coat. His sniper at his back, and his wrist blades retracted.

Hopper threw the presidents head to the ground in front of the termites who flinched.

"Let this be a warning to anyone who opposes any grasshopper. Your president has been slain by my claws, tell everyone you know that Hopper is now in charge. And if anyone so dares challenge me, let him come and perish!"

The termites fled as quickly as the wind could carry them. And Hopper turned to his awestruck gang and threw forth the fruit he found, rich in taste and in nutrition. Thumper, his loyalest soldier jumped to his feet, bowing to his master and graciously receiving the fruit that he gave them.

"We thought you were dead." A fat grasshopper announced.

"The one who never retreats never dies." Hopper answered wisely.

"You saved us! And killed the president!" A skinny grasshopper proclaimed jubilantly.

"All hail Hopper the Destroyer!" A younger grasshopper cheered.

"He just showed up outta no where when we needed him most!"

"What a generous leader!"

"We thought you abandoned us!"

Hopper let out a hearty laugh, inviting his soldiers to eat the food he brought.

"I have changed for the better, in numbers have strength, but in unity we are even stronger!" Hopper delivered a victorious speech to his gang.

"I like this new version of Hopper, he's much nicer than before!"

"Why have you come back to us anyways? We've failed you as a gang, boss!"

"That's because you were never meant to be mercenaries, you all were meant to be part of an empire, my new empire. Tomorrow we will gather more men and invade the city and claim it as our own." Hopper commanded with pristine admiral like qualities.

His gang were shocked, yet exhilarated. This new Hopper had such charisma, his speech was refined and full of wisdom of a scholar. What in the world did he do while he was away?

Thumper trained for the upcoming attack tomorrow, and Hopper ordered his gang to train as well, showing them how to use wrist blades and projectiles. The grasshoppers were becoming more warlike in a time where numbers matter most. Hopper was somewhat thankful he got taught from the ants why numbers and military power matter. Now it was the grasshopper's turn to spread far and wide, and this time they would enslave every ant in the corner of the world, not just ants, but every other insect too. It was the grasshopper's time to dominate the wastelands.

Hopper's Revenge (a Hopper x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now