"Mirror creation: that patience"

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Welcome back again (^^)/!!!

So now we're on to a first one here yep well this isn't a cursed image it's just me drawing randomness to create this creature out of nowhere.

During those times, me and the other users on discord server are having fun competitive challenges to create a character out of the three items and depict in a biblio-something I guess?

Everyone had there own style of creation even I was engaged to the excitement and rush hour caused the challenge last 3 hours and I just join with only 2 hours remaining and so I choose these one.

And turn them into these person:

(This is a rushed drawing)
Anyone with keen eyes would notice the lineart stage and color stage are merge together lol XD

Just like that we all knew that the judge was joking about the prize but hey everyone had fun being creative even tho we're all in a different timeline. Were all in these together

(So why does this creature from these creatures exist ??)

Well to point it out I'm making something terrorizing out of context in the chat while waiting for everyone presenting there work of art and these guy here is just a smiler

(Just a mix of dog, deer, and Shark )

If I'm not making a human I guess this one will be close on the darker biblio I plan draw and sent to the chat .

In the end the judge art is splendid and everyone did a great job with there oc .

(Happy Snek moments)
Yes snakes are cute if they don't bite or aggravated when humans bother them...what on earth am I saying ??

Oh I wonder if this amount is enough for this chapter but let's just say we reach the end of the WAIT.

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