Chapter 47

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Hitohito woke up to a new day, he first went to continue his workout at the Isolation fortress to later come back home to his family getting breakfast while the news were on.

Tv reporter: in other news a strange phenomenon happened last night, when a bunch of lighting storms were spotted on a clear night. Experts said that no rain or thunderstorm was forecasted during that night, making it more strange.

Hitohito: -eating his cereal- I mean weather anomalies happen a lot of times don't they?

Tv reporter: we'll keep you updated as soon as we know more info. In other news, for those who are fans of Guardian you'll be happy to know that the upcoming Guardian movie will release next summer in theaters.

Hitohito: oh boy....

Tv: many fans are excited to see their hero on the big screen, Guardian if you're watching this, we hope to see you at the premiere.

Hitohito: -turns off the TV- nope..... not gonna happen.

Satoshi: -yawns- good morning son.

Hitohito: good morning dad.

Satoshi: everything good?

Hitohito: sort of..... I just found out they're making a movie about me.

Satoshi: oh haha my son is a movie star now.

Hitohito: well I'm not in the movie per say, only Guardian.

Satoshi: so what's wrong with it?

Hitohito: is a little embarrassing if I'm being honest, I never expected this to happen.

Satoshi: well look at it this way, it's a way that people admire you enough to make a movie about you, and this is their way of showing their gratitude.

Hitohito: I kinda wish they chose another way to thank me.... let's talk about something else.

Satoshi: haha okay, so how's it going with that Shouko girl?

Hitohito: it's going great, she's getting better.

Satoshi: that's not what I meant.

Hitohito: hm?

Satoshi: are you two already going out?

Hitohito: -blushing- d-dad!

Satoshi: hahaha.

Jeanne: -yawns- boys it's too early for you to be this loud.

Satoshi: oh sorry dear, how are you this morning.

Jeanne: tired and pregnant.

Satoshi: here take a seat, I'll make you some breakfast.

Hitohito: let me help you dad.

Jeanne: -giggling- my my how thoughtful of you.... so any plans for today?

Hitohito: oh you know the usual, patrolling the planet, doing my homework, hanging out with my friends.

Satoshi: and his girlfriend.

Hitohito: dad please stop it.

Jeanne: oh how wonderful, my baby boy is a grown man.

Hitohito: you got it wrong mom, I don't have a girlfriend.

Jeanne: oh is that so?

Hitohito: yeah dad was just trying to tease me.

Jeanne: what about you Satoshi? Any plans for today?

Satoshi: well my coworkers invited me to go out for some drinks tonight, but I might not go.

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